I agree with Hurin, the point is that LOTR fans were given a choice, while SW fans were given the shaft. There is no reason not to release the original and the super extreme special edition with all new unecessary scenes edition right next to each other on DVD. Heck, go out on a limb Lucasfilm and put them in the same box and watch the money flow in for the Special Golden Goose Fanboy Pack! Even Lucas's buddy, Spielberg offered both the original and the edited editions of ET when he put that out on DVD. The fact the Lucas and co can't understand what's so terrible about Greedo shooting first completly boggles my mind to this day. Han's meeting with Jabba? Pointless. Sarclacc Pit with a giant flowered mouth and beak? Huh? I think the "pit" was just as intimidating just shooting out tentacles. Wouldn't it then be called the sarlaac monster? Anyway, the point is, there is no excuse not to give true fans the option of having the originals or the re-releases. If you're going to edit your original vision 20+ years later, replace all the ewoks with cg wookies at the very least. Oh, and since they want to do some more edits why let the galaxies baddest bounty hunter get beat by a blind guy and a stick?!