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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. I just finished re-watching the original SDF Macross as a primer for Mac Zero and I have to say how well it holds up in comparison to a lot of new anime that has come down the pipeline the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, as I was rewatching it, certain visual cues made me think of those damn RT songs they used instead of the awesome original soundtrack. Anyone else have that problem? I guess having first seen Macross as part of RT spoiled it for me. That scene definitely stuck with me after I saw it again. I think for me it was because there was no music. It was just the wind going by and Minmay falling and Hikaru and his valk going after her. I'm still waiting for an OAV set during Space War II.
  2. Yes, but don't tell my wife that. When we found out we were having a boy I presented her with a list of names that I liked, almost all of them being of fictional characters from movies, books, and anime. Like Roland, Hikaru, Tenchi, Luke (Luke, Iam your father), Max, etc. and somewhere in that list was (action) Jackson. I think it was the only name we could actually agree on.
  3. Oh please tell me they're going to get someone to do a cover of "You've Got the Touch" for the soundtrack! Maybe it can be a duet with Jessica Simpson and her sister!
  4. Thanks for the help guys. Now I have another problem...where's episode 4??? Can I just skip to five because this is getting annoying. A1: Carl Weathers owns, of course, but I actually used that handle because my son is name Jackson. Any relation to eighties action movies with references to BBQ ribs is purely coincidental.
  5. Does anyone have a link to anbu's episode 3? Can't seem to find it on their site or supernova
  6. IMO, you're going to have to watch ALL of the eps and D&R and EOE to get the full effect. However, if you prefer happy endings you can stop at episode 26. Of course to me, that's like watching SDF:Macross and pretending DYRL and FB:2012 don't exist.
  7. I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of the Apocalypse
  8. Are you trying to make us jealous? Because its working. Why not send all MWers a complimentary copy of Pirates since you're chummy with your bud Sid
  9. And you're complaining? I'm married, not dead. Somehow the screams of women and seeing them run from the theater freaking out made it more enjoyable.
  10. Just came back from it with my wife. If you like horror or scary movies in general GO SEE THIS! If you didn't like the Ring you may say "meh". That doesn't really qualify though since the pacing on this movie is different. I'd say the pace is more like a rollercoaster. Don't let Buffy's presence in the movie put you off either, she carries the movie pretty well. My .02.
  11. Yes, we'd all like to forget 3 and 4. I'm embarrassed (sp?) to say I've even watched those. Anyway, supposedly they pick up 6 years after two. I'm wondering how they're going to explain Supes just falling off the planet like that for 6 years. Justice League fighting intergalactic menace?
  12. I almost forgot another I wasted a lot of man hours on: Combat! for the Atari 2600. The best multiplayer game I can remember playing from my childhood. Well, the best before the original Gauntlet.
  13. I'm still playing that game on my GBA
  14. Almost forgot....TEMPEST. My aunt got me totally cracked out on that game when I was a little kid.
  15. The original Legend of Zelda Lifeforce Contra Mortal Kombat II Civilization II Pirates! PacMan
  16. I really like how he says "THIS IS NOT A LION SET FIGURE JUST THE BOX IS". At least he can admit that. I'm just not really sure I see the point of selling Mazinger with a voltron box
  17. I don't think this guy knows his japanese toys too well.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=ADME:B:SS:US:1
  18. That 1/48 scale airwolf would look pretty kewl next to my valks! I wonder if they voyager's warp nacelles will have movement so you can display it in warp flight?
  19. let's see, bad cartoons...hmm... 1.the snorks (also, nominated for worst theme song of all time) 2.jem (truly outrageous!) 3. rainbow brite (what was mattel smoking when they thought of this craptacular half hour commercial) 4. my little pony (see note above) 5. the orginal gi joe...there, I said it. Come on, all those laser (?) blasts and no one gets hurt! Ever! Everyone just bails out in the nick of time??? Oh wait there was that time Duke almost died, but that was when they introduced that whole Cobra-La-la land thing and it totally went down the toilet 6. Extreme ghostbusters 7. That other ghostbusters show from the 80s with the gorilla 8. Captain N the games master (blatant nintendo commercial) 9. Scooby Doo (all incarnations) 10. Gobots
  20. Christopher Reeve was a brave man who will be fondly missed. When I bought my son's Superman costume for Halloween this year, I hummed the old movie theme to myself and thought of Reeve. Godspeed Superman
  21. If you're going to time travel, travel in style!
  22. Some more news on Ents upcoming season here: http://www2.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?...55&obj_id=42645 I'm very happy Enterprise is going to be more about Trek's past instead of trying to erase it as it should have been all along. I'm really intrigued that Kirk could show up and put Enterprise into an alternate timeline so maybe we can all try to forget this disaster that B&B threw at us. Now, if we could only erase Voyager from cannon...hmm...
  23. The spoilers continue..... I had almost forgotten that and I agree completely. King missed a golden opportunity to make Roland whole again through one of Patricks drawings. I thought for sure that the climax was going to be Patrick restoring Rolands hand and Roland having a shootout of some kind with the CK. The ending to me was a redemption of sorts, as if Roland and his ka-tet of 19 were traveling through a purgatory if you will, and by Gan giving Roland the horn this last journey would be to his proper ending.
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