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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. I'd really like to take the time and put decals on, but as soon as I start playing around with my valks, my two year old demands to play with them too! So, I just put them back on the shelf safely out of his reach.
  2. That was hilarious! "Popeye, I'm serious; get help"
  3. Just a couple of pics I snapped of today while re-arranging: 1
  4. I'm asking about KOTOR because, well, for such an obvious display of advanced technology in the SW universe nothing has changed. I mean, KOTOR takes place 4000 years before the OT; it just seems weird that after all that time the most advanced fighter of the late republic era is a rip-off of a fighter flown 4000 years before. One would think after 4000 years someone would have come up with something a little more original.
  5. Anyone else think that the Jedi Starfighter looks VERY similar to the Sith starfighter from KOTOR? OT: Is KOTOR (or any of the games for the matter) considered canon?
  6. Link to my (very) modest valk/macross collection: Not as substantial as some of you guys (you know you're out there!) but I'm (very) slowly building my collection. Let's try this again:NEW LINK
  7. That is a beautiful bike! I wish I had those kinds of skillz!
  8. Actually, I find this idea quite amusing. I'd love to hear that HG sent Nike a CAD on these shirts. Or even better, told Nike that they want a cut of the profits on this shirts.
  9. At least that deranged muppet look scarier than the cursed rubber duck. Now someone needs to list a toyanmi veritech as a cursed item; quotes like "It exploded right out of the box" or "It refused to stand even when told" could go a long way.
  10. As tempting as it is to add the DS to my Christmas list, I'm going to have to wait for at least one game I'm really interested in. Playing Mario 64 all over again just isn't justifiying (sp?) a purchase right now. Maybe when Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, or Final Fantasy comes out....
  11. I got one a fire valk boot off of ebay for about $15 USD, and it's a very durable toy. It actually comes in handy because my 2 year old is now becoming very curious about my valks on display, so when he starts crying, I just hand him the bootleg!
  12. As much as I enjoyed flying around in my Valk/VT, this game made me realize how much I hate escort missions! The game progammer who thought any escort missions would be fun for gamers should have their head examined.
  13. For those who'd like an option to HLJ or couldn't get in on Monkey-N's action, Tam just confirmed he'll be getting these in. HERE
  14. I don't use Paypal so I can't get in on Monkey-N's offer, anybody know if Tam over at Twin Moons plans on getting any of these?
  15. This is great news! I was starting to wonder which one of my limbs I'd have to sell to get one of these things. So, is anyone else getting them in besides HLJ?
  16. I really like this line: Some Japanese Godaikin Popy Shogun Warrior fan of Japan Henshin Sentai Kaiju Robots will love to get this robot toy as a gift !!! " Oh please tell me no one is dumb enough to hit the BIN button on this POS.
  17. Next thing you know someone will find the Ark of the Convenant! Crazy archaeologist finds Atlantis!???!: http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/11/14...s.ap/index.html
  18. It's obvious that Vader's next move is an old jedi mind trick:"I AM the man you're looking for..."
  19. Watched the original Ju-On with my wife last night and it was definitely creepy. I don't know that there were as many freak outs as the american version though. Also, the plot was definitely more jumbled which made it hard to follow. At one point we weren't even sure which cute japanese girl just got killed. Also, the way the curse could pass to people who had merely met someone who had been to the house definitely upped the tension. Of course, it also leaves room for a few hundred sequels, since theoretically you could bump into someone in line at McD's who had just left the house, and you could get killed that night. Anyway, all in all, very good movie. Tonight I have to watch Ringu for the first time. Can't wait.
  20. That was great...now I wonder how many posts it'll take before someone's childhood will be raped.
  21. I was under the impression that the APHOS was there to monitor humanity's evolution. It asks Sara "Can man travel to the stars?" Yes. "Does man still fight?" Yes, and then it goes berzerk and tries to take out everyone. The arrival of ASS-1 was actually the start of the UN/anti-UN thing and the full global conflict that ensued as a result of the ASS arrival. I'm not saying that the Macross should have instantly triggered a response, but if APHOS is there to pass judgement on humanity's progress and it's connected to the Wind Priestesses, shouldn't the APHOS have sensed that humanity was going down the tubes quite quickly, thanks to the UN/Anti-UN global conflict, and that the end game was fast approaching? It just seems off to me that the barometer for the doomsday machine is on a far flung island in the middle of nowhwere. To me its like the PC drew a line in the sand and said "you can blow everything up on this planet, but not THIS ISLAND; that would be bad...oh, and don't kill the priestesses' boyfriend." Maybe its that they weren't concerned with humanity at all, they were just making sure that they didn't accidentally create another army that would go after them.
  22. I hope we get to see some wookies actually rip some arms off of people in this one....but for some reason I doubt it'll even come up. They'll probably start singing the yub yub song and do the lambada.
  23. A little late to the party of course but finally managed to see ep. 5. I agree with a lot of the earlier posts that we really could have used another episode or at least an extra fifteen minutes to flesh out the beginning of ep. 5. It's like "Last time on Mac Zero, the island appeared to be getting nuked", then in ep. 5, Shin and Roy are on helicopter and Shin's thinking about how Sara and Aries and the Aphos head have been kidnapped and that gets like a one cell, three second flashback. Huh? Why didn't they roll the credits over that scene instead of a flashback? Anyways, it was a weird episode and I'm still not sure how much of this does tie into the original SDF besides the inclusion of Roy and the valks. Why didn't the AFOS activate itself when the Macross crash landed? Because Sara and Mao weren't personally affected by the crash? The whole world goes into chaos mode when the UN tries to assert control after the arrival, but AFOS doesn't get mad unless the goddess of the wind says she's had enough??? Hmm... Besides all that and not seeing the Macross under construction I thought the animation was top notch and the dogfights were beautiful. I'm probably going to watch Mac Zero a couple more time just for those dogfights. In the meantime, I'll be waiting for the movie version.
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