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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. Those both look pretty sweet, what scale are they planning to do them in?
  2. And Pixar's name guarantees high talent voice actors. Actual actors plus, sets, digital or otherwise, would be cost prohibitive. Never mind extremely risky. Production costs would probably be record breaking. Just think of all the tights the and plastic muscles they'd need to make! Completely computer generated DC Superhero vs. supervillain action....now my shorts are soiled.
  3. I think the only way Hollywood can afford to make "Kingdom Come" into a feature would be to let Pixar animate it.
  4. I still think the showdown with Zod from 2 is probably some the best film moments that I can recall. I still love the part where Kal finally kneels before Zod in the fortress, grabs his hand, and crushes it. While I'm thinking of it, that whole teleporting thing that Supes was doing in 2, I don't remember him ever doing that in the comics...is that a "canon" power, or was Kal just moving so fast it looked like he was teleporting?
  5. I think the Gakken Cyclone was one of the best toys of the eighties and considering it's complexity in comparison to the Alphas and valks, there's too much of a chance that toynami would just blow it. I doubt very much that they'd be able to pull it off at all. Although, I'm sure they're chomping at the bit to try and milk that Robotech license for all it's worth so, we'll probably see a very lame attempt at them sometime in '06 or '07. Well before the Beta/Tread.
  6. How many Superman baddies are making an appearance in this? Are Zod and Metalllo brief cameos or is Supes going to be taking on Zod, Luthor in power suit, and Metallo in a battle royale like some bad Shumacher (sp?) Batman flick? I mostly enjoyed Singer's take on the X-Men, but too many A-list bad guys kind of water down the plot.
  7. All I ask is that no wookie swing from a vine and do the Weismuller Tarzan cry. Of course, knowing how ROTJ turned out, I'm sure in ROTS an entire tribe of wookies will descend from the trees screaming that in unison
  8. This is for you old school PC gamers out there: The imps win again X-wing versus tie fighter x-wing 483,000 tie fighter 707,000
  9. No, the scariest thing about this movie is that it didn't go straight to video! How does this guy get funding for these abominations he calls films?
  10. Is that what these are going for these days? I remember someone trying to sell one here for a cool thousand a few months back, but this seems really steep! Pricey Macross full of Miclones!
  11. For some reason that pic of yoda groveling? crying? begging? is very effective. I wonder if this is a scene after the younglings are killed? Was there a caption for that pic?
  12. I guess crazy 'ol ben kenobi had never seen the emperor's best legion of troops try to take out a group of 2 foot tall bears with slingshots and rocks.
  13. The Clone Wars can't be that far off now : Clones for sale!
  14. I'm thinking the sdf macross just so that I could spacefold to a McDs across the galaxy for my lunch breaks and completely avoid the commute to and from work. Then I'd just have it hover over my office to intimidate my boss for trying to get me to take work home for the weekend.
  15. Sorry guys, it's the Bandai Enterprise. BTW, thanks for all the help but the more I think about it, I might just suck it up and paint the other parts to match.
  16. Hey guys I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the "other" section so mods please move if necessary. I recently purchased what I thought was a new unassembled model kit of the starship enterprise from someone on these boards. I just started assembling the kit todaywhen I noticed that some of the parts were off the sprues and loose and worst of all, some of the clear parts (nacelle centers, deflector array) had been already painted by the seller. Rather than rant about that, I need to know if it's possible to remove the paint from the clear parts, and a method of removal; or if I should just paint the other clear parts in the closest matching shade of blue. Thanks. BTW, I'm a modeling newbie so bear with me.
  17. If someone does have an mpeg of just the duel....plz post a torrent
  18. Who's the guy with the headset? Lobot's dad?
  19. I really enjoy this quote from Macek: Wow, that's very observant. I guess we're just going to pretend cobbling together 3 unrelated anime and editing out moons and such didn't creat any MAJOR flaws in their product. BTW Myriad, that map is going to come in very handy since I just got Zelda for my GBA. Thanks
  20. Wow, that's a sweeet ipod. I'm just surprised an uber popular anime (ahem, Gundam) didn't jump on this before EVA. And yes, this is cool, but a Macross Special edition would be MUCH cooler.
  21. Yowza! Must have been a cold day at the beach!!
  22. Ahh yes, yet another coporate Monopoly. It seems EA has been taking lessons from Microsoft.
  23. They have a ton of these at my local TRU. Maybe I need to jump on this bandwagon and make some quick holiday loot
  24. Has Diamond set a domestic release date for this yet?
  25. lt.actionjackson


    Ummm...wow! Your wife actually lets you display that? My wife would probably kill me for even trying to put that out on a shelf! BTW: good work my friend!
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