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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. My cyclone is just begging for giant retractable ginsu knives!
  2. Isn't that what fanboys are supposed to do?
  3. That would be the best twist ever!!!!
  4. That spoiler from the novel didn't make mention of the "birth" of Vader scene. Did the author forget about it or, worse, was it not worth remembering?
  5. Don't forget the clunky dialouge!
  6. I dunno if this is old or not but...WTF??? DARTH TATER????
  7. The color pics came in and Titan is....orange??? I guess I expected it to be blue. I was actually hoping the probe would land in a Titan ocean, but the fact that it made it there and actually landed and managed to send back over an hour's worth of data is a very impressive feat to me.
  9. The Eagle has landed! Wow it looks pretty much like a martian desert over there. Except different. I wish they'd done up some color pics Anyway, its a very good day for NASA. Hopefully we'll hit some of Jupiter's moons next.
  10. I also read somewhere that a scientist had said it was a "soft" landing surface. Maybe some kind of snow or slush? Man, I really hope they have some pics to show us soon.
  11. Boldly going where no man has gone before: Probe touches down on Titan Hopefully the probe takes some nice pics of methane breathing life forms standing around and pointing at the space probe
  12. Well, it is nice to see goldenrod is back. I wonder how far into Ep3 he'll appear. I hope it's not at the end where he gets his memory wiped.
  13. Why did you start a thread about your balls??? Ohhhh...MG BALLS. Not "my" balls....Now I get it....
  14. Wow, that's welcome news. Take your time man, personal lives come before transforming toys every time.
  15. Now...if someone would just make some ARMD carriers for my Macross I'd be REALLY happy...
  16. Man, paying off bills is sooo boring. I'd much rather fill my shelves with more toys so that my wife can say enedearing things like "Umm, you know you're not eight anymore, right?" or the classic "I just dont understand you and this thing with toys..."
  17. How cool can mini mac be if you don't even get a mouse for $499? Thats what some would call a RIP OFF! Oh wait, this is apple, so it's cool to get a computer without a mouse because it looks good on your desktop. Don't get me wrong, Apple makes some nice products, but no upgradeablility and not even being able to throw in a mouse seems a bit ridiculous.
  18. Okay, I'm bumping this. There have got to be a ton of peeling stickers out there.
  19. Here's the old Cyclone thread: Cyclone Sticker Please!!!! Not really sure what happened, but I guess they were never finsihed since the thread sort of died.
  20. I'm in! I hope this idea doesn't die like the Cyclone/Ride armor stickers..
  21. I hope that mech is purely space-based, because it would be ugly to watch trying to manuever in an atmosphere.
  22. That gerwalk mode looks great! It would look even greater on a shelf on one of MY valks! Please keep us posted if you decide to start selling the coats
  23. mechaninac: I completely agree with all your points and I'd love to actuall see the other bike (more transforming bikes is ALWAYS good in my book) but if Toyanmi drops the ball again, we'll have a bunch off good looking bikes and riders, who can't stand with all of their armor on. Of course, if they do announce a release, I'll probably just purchase the Lancer version with the cool giant ginsu knives.
  24. I second that. Of course, I'd be happier if it came fully manned with space marines and a hitchiking alien so I can re-enact my favorite scenes.
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