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Everything posted by Ryuji

  1. right side detail.
  2. http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...pe=post&id=7521 http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...pe=post&id=7522
  3. After build the shoulder part I agree: she needs more breast so I increased her boobs (better?)
  4. buildind shoulder protector.
  5. http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...pe=post&id=7378 http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...pe=post&id=7379 (I still can't post image in this forum... )
  6. I don't know what's wrong but I can't update images here - Every time I tried I got a white screen...>_< (now I'm testing with text without image). In Hobbyfan forum I posted a update: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=5297&st=15
  7. Starting torso. First,I have to correct the head position - the original Aina kit was completly wrong...
  8. Waist detail.
  9. Finished legs.
  10. RYUJI: Didn't you start a similar project? If you finish it, I'd be good for another 2 or three again! Yes,but she is stopped now (but NOT cancelled! ) I hope to restart next week.
  11. finished left leg. (now I have to finish the other side... )
  12. Leg protector part.
  13. He started this project like Minmay: http://www8.plala.or.jp/projectf/diary/minmei/minmei.html but he gived up and changed to this chinese girl... http://www8.plala.or.jp/projectf/gallery/t.../tantantan.html He makes scratch build projects and don't make copies,so there is no his kits for sale.
  14. So, Final "score" of Minmay : 2 "survived" (with some paint damages,but no broken parts) 1 destroyed 1 serius damaged (she lost all fingers ) .She will back to me for repair. Not sure if it's a good score...
  15. The second Minmay is not in stock/pre-order yet: http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=2753 About commission, I'm not sure if I will take: she probably will not survive to international shipping - she is more heavy and delicate than the first one.(and you saw what happened with the first... )
  16. Well,at least one Minmay "survived" from international post service's brutallity... - 2 hadn't that "luck" and arrived with a lot of damages and will back to me for repairs. .Still don't know about the last one. Anubis,if you want I can send to you the paint for retouch :clear red / dress, dark blue/hair and gold. The flesh color is a problem : I airbrushed with 2 layers of different colors,so if you try to retouch using a brush,it will be worse.
  17. Rebuilding legs (and ass )
  18. Changing pose.
  19. BAD NEWS!! The first commission Minmay arrived to the customer...BROKED!! So,Probably the other 3 are damaged too...If so, send me back - I will repair without cost. I have no experience in pack garage kits for international shipping - I got some advices here: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=5296 but I still not sure how to transport - so, maybe it's better to stop my commission service - the kit never arrive in one piece... About that 4 Minmays : I'm thinking to re-ship in separate parts,wait at least 1 weak to paint cure well,send some paint to retouch (and pray to she arrive safely next time ) If anyone have sugestions...let me know.
  20. Have you tried www.mfgk.com ? Yup. She is in stock: http://www.mfgk.com/fpdb/product.asp?PID=F0697
  21. From "Movement"
  22. Sorry, I just make copy of some parts (not all ) for scratch build projects - it's not for sale.
  23. First, remove "Gundam suit details"
  24. Starting another scratch build model... I didn't decide yet if I will change arms pose.
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