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Everything posted by Ryuji

  1. molds and cast test (still needs some adjusts - some parts failed ) For casting test I used Axon Fast cast F-18 (pot life 3'30") but it's too fast - sometimes the resin starts to cure before complete to fill the mold and it's summer here,so it's HOT !! (in hot days resin cure more fast...) Tomorrow I will buy Fast cast F-19 (pot life 7') http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...pe=post&id=9019
  2. No,sorry - I'm not accepting commissions for this kit because I can't guarantee safety transport - I'm sure she will break during transport
  3. pre order here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=9&t=17583
  4. I will charge US$60,00 for the kit + US$20,00 for shipping (total = US$80,00) (now I need an idea of how many kits I have to produce... )
  5. ...and (FINALLY!!! ) prototype READY!! Thanks for your patience,support and commentary. (now I will start to make the mold )
  6. helmet ready.
  7. Finished head/hair.
  8. Ryuji

    Next Project

    I'm finishing Komillia,so I can start to think about next project. Is there some character/image you want to be build? (not necessary Macross character) I will start a new poll with yours options.
  9. Rebuilded neck,shoulder and waist side plate.
  10. I tested Fast cast F-18 (pot life - 3'30") http://www.axson.com/Axson/fiches/anglais/f18-gb.pdf There is F-16 (pot life 2'30") , F-19 (7') , F-31 (1'50"), F-33 (2') and F-50 (40')
  11. Another option: http://www.axson.com/ Axson UK 15 Studlands Park Ind. Est Newmarket CB8 7 AU Suffolk UK Tel: (**44) 01638 660062 Fax:(**44) 01638 665078 e-mail: sales@axson.co.uk I used smooth-on resin,but I didn't like - sometimes happened a strange reaction with silicon rubber... I tested Axson resin and I liked the result - I will cast Komillia with this.
  12. still have a lot of differences from illustration... (I have to replace the shoulder part)
  13. I decided to separate plate part from torso and waist - it's better this way to produce and paint the kit.
  14. Now with copied parts I can build the other two girls (but I have no idea of who they are... I don't have this game) ...and I STILL not sure which leg is better : - with long leg she looks more elegant but the proportion is wrong - the short leg is correct,but sometimes she looks small I thought after build the other girls it was more easy to decide,but no...
  15. Leg reduction. I still not sure which one is better... (maybe the original size...at least I still have the original!! )
  16. Before change proportion I make a copy : Many times in past when I changed something in my models I started to think "before was better,but now it's too late because I destroyed the kit ..." Now,I ALWAYS make a copy and make modification in copy and keep the original for comparison
  17. Changed face - now she is starting to look like Komillia...
  18. I'm planning to produce myself this project, but first I have to finish the prototype then I have to do a lot of tests with silicon rubber mold and cast resin. This will take some time,so the kit will be available only in the next year (maybe Jan / Feb 2006) I still have no idea about how much the kit will cost , how many I have to produce...
  19. Her legs really looks too long and disproportional... I have to reduce... (%$#% )
  20. Testing hair parts. She still needs a lot of adjusts (she still doesn't look like Komillia... )
  21. changing face. I decided to use Setsuna's head and front hair (it's better than Aina)
  22. Comparing with original Aina kit, Komillia became bigger ... (actually her legs are too long - I like long legs, but maybe this one is too long... ) She is taller than Minmay (well, I think in the anime she is really taller...) So,I thought the Aina's head was too small and tried to replace for a bigger one, but with hair, Aina's head look ok so I will keep this proportion.
  23. arms and shoulder protector ready.
  24. Kotobukiya accessories and photo etching.
  25. This is what I have... (and I still don't have back reference)
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