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Everything posted by Ryuji

  1. FINALLY I finished the putting/sanding stage!! (16 parts x 9 = 144 parts! ) I used some failed parts and some parts was really bad - full of small airbubbles - I had to remove that area and "replace" with polyester putty.
  2. Parts produced for pre-painted models... (I'm STILL sanding and putting these parts! ) ** sorry for delay
  3. well, I already have 9 paint request - I hope to finish in about 2 weeks... (sorry for delay )
  4. making polyurethane resin version.
  5. making polyester version.
  6. polyurethane version mold.
  7. polyester version mold.
  8. prototype ready.
  9. pre order: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=9&t=19807
  10. I finished left side mech foot,but now the leg looks too long and I have to reduce ...
  11. Copied mech parts for use in other side.
  12. I never considered Misa as a "sexy girl"... (the OPERATORS was more sexy! )
  13. This is the only sexy image of Misa I have...
  14. You can use surgical gloves.
  15. First paint the kit with acrylic or lacquer paint. Then paint panels with enamel and clean with enamel thinner - this thinner will clean only enamel and will not atack acrylic or lacquer paint. http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~mokei/j-build-gto07.htm
  16. mech foot - it's not easy to build mech parts with resin putty...I had to rebuild many times and still have some imperfections. (and I still have to build the other side )
  17. gun size reduction.
  18. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...5&mode=show&st= most of members are interest in Miria I didn't start to build these figures - I made a pre-order of this Mizuho kit to make a convertion to Miria, but I have no idea of when she will be re-stock. http://www.e2046.com/product_info.php?products_id=422
  19. To be honest, I never considered I have a "special skill / talent" (no kidding) - I just make a copy of some garage kit and "reassemble" these copied parts from different characters and make some adjusts - that's why I call this "Frankenstein technique" I'm not building a full scratch figure.
  20. about Hobbyfan : http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?s=&...ndpost&p=103637 (yes, I'm bad in business negotiation )
  21. 417252[/snapback] I never destroy original kit - I always make a copy myself and use only copied parts in my projects.
  22. She is the first daughter of Miria and Max. That image is from PC Engine videogame.
  23. (sorry for delay to reply) It's hard to say... I don't consider this a profession (actually,I don't have a profession ) ,but it's not just a hobby because I sell copies - so, I make money with this work. ...and NO, it's not a lot of money. (I'm poor!! ).
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