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Everything posted by Ryuji

  1. Starting to build the skirt.
  2. Finally I finish her legs...
  3. Either someone at that forum outright lied to you, or they gave you some other dialect besides the "official" Mandarin Chinese. "Happy new year" should be "Xin nian quai le!" Thanks to correct . I only know portuguese,japanese and english - I have no idea about if the others are correct... BTW in japanese is: Shin nem akemashite omedetou gozaimassu.
  4. I got it from another forum. HAPPY NEW YEAR in different languages: Afrikaans - Gelukkige nuwe jaar Arabic - Antum salimoun Bengali - Shuvo Nabo Barsho Chinese - Chu Shen Tan Czechoslovakia - Scastny Novy Rok Dutch - Gelukkig Nieuwjaar English - Happy New Year! Eskimo - Kiortame pivdluaritlo Finnish - Onnellista Uutta Vuotta French - Bonne Annee Gaelic - Bliadhna mhath ur German - Prosit Neujahr Greek - Kenourios Chronos Hawaiian - Hauoli Makahiki Hou Hebrew - L'Shannah Tovah Hindi - Subh Nab Bars Iraqi - Sanah Jadidah Irish - Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit Italian - Buon Capodanno Kisii - Somwaka omoyia owuya Khmer - Sua Sdei tfnam tmei Laotian - Sabai dee pee mai Norwegian - Godt Nyttar Papua New Guinea - Nupela yia i go long y Philippines - Manigong Bagong Taon Polish - Szczesliwego Nowego Roku Portuguese - Feliz Ano Novo Punjabi - Nave sal di mubarak Russian - S Novim Godom Serbo-Croatian - Scecna nova godina Singhalese - Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa Slovak - A stastlivy Novy Rok Spanish - Feliz Ano Nuevo Swahili - Heri Za Mwaka Mpya Sudanese - Warsa Enggal Telegu - Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu Thai - Sawadee Pee Mai Turkish - Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun Ukrainian - Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku Vietnamese - Chuc Mung Tan Nien Urdu - Naya Saal Mubarak azerbaijani turkish - yeni iliz mubarek
  5. I just start to build it!
  6. Hey, Thanks! I was looking for this image in good quality! (I was planning to build it but I didn't have a good image - now I can! ) About paint service: I'm accepting to paint and build this kit (including with transparent eyes and Macross emblem base). It will cost US$60,00 (including shipping tax to you) and I accept Paypal. You can request to Hobbyfan to send directly to me - you will save shipping cost Hobbyfan to you - you to me . I live in Sao Paulo - Brazil.
  7. Anwering questions... How to make transparent and metalic eyes: - first,open a hole in the iris part. - aply a aluminium foil and paint with clear color - fill the hole with transparent resin. - finish! Some of my other works gallery: (yes,I made that Faye Valentine. ) http://www.geocities.com/celsoryuji/garagekit02.html Probable Hobbyfan will cast this kit - I don't know when.(I didn't send the figure to them yet) Maybe they will offer a pre paint model too (they have this service)
  8. That was what I said when I saw it. Good job! I like it. When can I get the kit? She IS wearing panty!!
  9. - Scratch build model - scale: 1/6 (about 28 cm) - material : polyester resin - start date: July 25,2004 - finish date: November 06, 2004 - used paint : GSI Mr. Color - Making-of: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=3065&st=0 and http://forum.e2046.com/viewtopic.php?t=6012&start=0
  10. Anyone has a good definition image of this Minmay picture?? Thanks.
  11. more images: http://www81.sakura.ne.jp/~black/cp/kurano/ img003.jpe
  12. for more images: http://www81.sakura.ne.jp/~black/cp/riku/index.html riku07.jpe
  13. Reiko Nagasse from PS game Ridge Race 4.
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