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chukwong_jr's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. GREAT!!! This VF-1SOL-S came from the SNES game. I love this game very much because the SOL-S!!!
  2. In fact, I think there is not have a rule on the armor number. We can see the offical model or graphic also have different armor number on same VF model. I found another GBP of VF-1S graphic which have number 1 on the armor. The graphic came from Arcade macross game.
  3. Not only 1/60 GBP... Also lots of 1/55 GBP!!! MY GOD~~~
  4. I'm dreaming I can get a VT-1 or VE-1 at a low price next time... It's about $500 for a VT or VE in HK Auction now, can't afford~
  5. GBP Armour is most suitable for those button man (VF-1A) U see~ VF-1A become so smart!!! Recently, I got the GBP at HK Yahoo Auction. The price just $90USD~~~ So happy!!!
  6. What is their differnence??? Is that the second one is a reissue ver??? I find the second one is cheaper usually.
  7. Proto-Culture ~ ~ ~ !!!
  8. just like a R2D2 on the x-wing...
  9. ...I don't think this argue will have a final answer. Because the early mech-planing of Macross TV series is not so seriuos. You can see Ichiijoe(Rick Hunter) use a white VF-1J as a trainer VF Also, he use a VF-1J, which is a VF for team-leader, when he only a new soilder. Very strange...
  10. Now you know my pain. ... I can feel your pain now...
  11. OH~!!!That's impressive!!! @___@ Is that only can buy from USA/Canada??? It's seem so smart. Especially the cockpit~~~ Really want to get one!!!
  12. OH~~~Thank you for your help! And I will pay attention not to post a message to a worng area...
  13. I want to cutom my 1/55 VF-1S to be a VF-1D and want to get a VF-1D head-part. Because I find that the head-part is made by a Hong Kong macross fans. Thus, can I get one from him at Hong Kong? Any friends know the detail?
  14. OH~~~What a bad news... However, It is very difficult to find a GBP-1S on eaby or other aution web...
  15. I find some friends on this forum said that Bandai will reissue 1/55 GBP-Armour. Is that true? I hope I can have some information and picture about this! THX!!! ps.I'm a newbie here. Nice to join and meet everyone here!
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