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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I'm struggling to unsee this..
  2. Good to hear. How's the gunpod stowage placement? Can you have it stowed and deploy the arrestor hook? They would interfere with each other on the initial releases if my memory serves me correctly. Mine is in transit now, hopefully arrives before the weekend.
  3. Will only make this the one post.. So I finally made some progress with NY. After 20+ messages back and forth I got an invoice for the upgrade to UPS shipping since EMS isn't shipping to my region at the moment. The additional cost was 9400 yen on top of what I had already paid for EMS (6500 yen) making the total cost of postage about 16,000 yen or $215 Aussie dollars on top of the $600 I paid for the VF-0D making it an over $800 exercise. The order has now been shipped and hopefully arrives sometime next week. This bloody toy better be good when it arrives!
  4. I wouldn't be surprised at all..
  5. Feel like I'm definitely getting the run around from NY.. still no shipping notice for my 0D and they simply don't answer email enquiries. Hugely frustrating especially seeing others who purchased them once they became available and have received them and here am I waiting for a 9 month old pre order to be fullfilled and they don't reply to emails. I'm slightly VERY pissed off. Dealing with outlets like this and the constantly sky rocketing prices of these bloody toys certainly makes this a difficult hobby to pursue. Rant complete.
  6. 35,000 at NY!?!? FFS.. I think I'll take my chances and wait for one to eventually pop up on Manda rather than be ripped off like that. Why did this have to be so frustrating.
  7. Have absolutely no desire to deal with NNG ever again after a bad experience. I'll wait for the next round of hiked up pre order pricing at NY if that even happens..
  8. I like that.. others already have theirs and they are even popping up on Mandarake yet my order at NY has been in "order preparation" for over a week now. This hobby and the outlets one has to deal with are really starting to get under my skin.
  9. Wasn't even aware of this FFS. Can't find any available anywhere..
  10. That's pharking unbelievable!!!
  11. Hehe! I know right! I definitely have regret letting certain stuff go. I would like to get more 1:60 back again but I think I would rather focus my efforts and funds towards the newer 1:48's. I was happy to get the VF-1J again as it was one of if not the first v2 1:60 Valkyrie I got way back in the day. Definitely miss having one of these little gems!
  12. I purchased a Yamato v2 VF-1J from Mandarake reasonably cheap! Has the later hip joint version, no cracked shoulder joints and no obvious signs of yellowing. It's definitely good to have one of these little beauties again! Feels sooo much smaller than the 1:48 DX toys.
  13. Yep got the same email..
  14. Although just got an email from NY saying the new release date is end of April.. so that's just another month. If that's just a random date that NY has put just to keep their customers quiet for a bit can't be certain but I hope it's a somewhat accurate. After paying what I did for the bloody thing is certainly want it to be.
  15. Cool, thanks for that.
  16. This one is due for release today but do we know if that's still happening?
  17. Im sure he is but I think he wasn't going to collect the new 1:48 line.. but not completely certain.
  18. Kinda yes but no.. sticking with the DX 1:48's now.
  19. Absolutely wasn't aware of this pre order until 5 mins ago.. Just PO'd one at NY..
  20. I wonder what the actual reason for the delay was.. failed QC perhaps? Who knows, who cares I guess.. just as long as the final thing looks great is the main thing.
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