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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I'll sell ya one of mine but it's gonna cost ya some big bikkies!!
  2. Not that I'm aware of.. had briefly looked around for a third a little while back but found nothing. Someone might know where though.
  3. Thats very cool! I would have preferred a TV 1A style head but either way it's looks great.
  4. Oh I see . I didn't look that closely at them. Just figured it was the same as the other Movie version pilots.
  5. Yes the pilots for the movie versions are a bit chunkier and look and fit way better in the cockpit. I'm hoping they fix the tiny pilot issue for the TV versions.. they look like they took them from the 1/60 toys..
  6. So good!
  7. Pain aside of dealing with NY and UPS woeful shipping I'm absolutely loving the Kakizaki variant! Shame about the "210" tampo stuff up but it doesn't bother me too much as everything else seems ok.
  8. My Kakizaki finally arrived this afternoon. buying these things is exhausting..
  9. After being stuck in China for several days my Kakizaki is finally on the move again as of this morning. Estimated delivery is this coming Monday. Would have been nice to have had it for this weekend considering we have a completely free weekend first time in ages.. oh well
  10. My correction it's now been 5 days in China.. if that's the case then it's been bumped multiple times. Not sure why UPS uses this route if this is the result..
  11. I've used the FP stands for years now and really haven't had any issues. Have had the odd rubber end cap stick to the surface of the Valkyrie but no paint ever got damaged or discoloured. I know other people have had issues but I have always made an effort to keep my Valks displayed in a cooler or more controlled climate. Maybe high heat would cause them to react with what ever surface they are supporting but as I said I haven't had the problem. I still have Valks on them now and they aren't new stands either.
  12. NY finally did ship out my Kakizaki but it has since been stuck in Shenzhen China for 3 days now. UPS shipment has been delayed.. the very same situation as my Zero-D.
  13. Ah cool! Looks legit !
  14. Hang on.. am I missing something here? Has a DX Roy VF-1S been released already? Or is this a custom repaint? Or am I just stupid?
  15. I know right! As with the ZeroD before I got jipped on the shipping.. I know some services can be expensive but over $200 (Aussie) expensive is very questionable. I am definitely not impressed with how bad the whole experience has been.
  16. Just a quick update on my NY order situation.. So they finally got back to me about my SSP order stating that the supplier has cancelled all orders for them for what ever reason.. They gave me the option for either store credit or swap for a similar priced item so I took the store credit of 12,500¥.. Then after that they informed me that my Kakizaki order was ready to ship but I would have to pay an additional fee of 9000¥ for UPS shipping as EMS is still not available to Australia apparently? I asked if I could use my store credit for the additional shipping costs which they said was fine but they appear to have absorbed the left over 3500¥ from the original store credit in the process! Which isn't much in the overall scheme of things but it is still about $45 Aussie dollars.. Not sure if I should be pissed about that or just thankful that my Kakizaki is finally on its way and should just shrug my shoulders in defeat.
  17. OMFG!!! those planes are absolutely gorgeous!!! Love the Vulcan bomber and Mosquito! Sheesh!
  18. Hehe! Sorry for the silly question.. was just curious.
  19. How many others here are still waiting on NY to ship their Kakizaki?
  20. I have chosen this pose for my Zero!
  21. Still nothing from NY about my Kakizaki. And they never responded to my inquiry about the Super Parts Set..
  22. Still not a peep out of NY for my Kakizaki.. I've also had a super parts set on order with them since September last year and there's been no movement on it. I did send them a message about the SS parts but they didn't respond to it. I know I missed the initial batch but thought it would have arrived by now via the second batch considering the specified release date was April this year.. It's becoming exhausting.
  23. No movement on mine yet.. hopefully soon
  24. This absolutely gorgeous Century Wings Lockheed SR-71 arrived yesterday! Stunning!
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