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Everything posted by spanner

  1. picked up a set of Michael Super parts, Ozma Armor parts and a YF-29 Isamu Dyson! The Ozma armor parts were more expensive than the YF-29!! pretty crazy seeing how the Isamu was MISB!
  2. These photos have decided It! ♥ Definitely buying the Armored parts for Ozma! Its gonna be pricey buts its gonna happen! Also reaffirms that Ozma is the gun 25!!
  3. I only just read a similar comment on a review a few hours back! My display cabinets don't have the height to have them setup on the stands in Battroid.. I guess I could always let the valk gently rest up against the glass side or back. Sucks about the pre-orders so I'll hopefully pick one up when they release. Looking around for the Ozma armor parts, there are a few sets around but they are super expensive..
  4. Anyone know of any pre-orders still open for the Alto Tornado parts?
  5. Great shot! Love the led back lighting on the display shelves! Was thinking of doing this for my IKEA Klingsbo cabinets..
  6. Geez some of you guys have amazing collections of multiples!! Would love to have display options like that! Some crazy cool photos guys!! Awesome stuff! Think I'll definitely get Armors for Ozma and buy a Tornado set for Alto when they release! That way I will have all 3 variations of parts on display! But then leave it at that I think.. I do still like to have a few looking clean. And also cap the money spend..
  7. Hmmm yes Ozma parts are pricey from what I've seen so far.. :/
  8. ooohhh sooo much super goodness!! Thanks mate! Love Ozma in Armors! And how cool is the VF-25A pose with the knife in hand! Looks sweet as! Ok so I liked the look of Michael in supers battroid that I went and bought the super parts set from Mandarake.. Hopefully its still available and I get the order confirmation & payment email soon.. Still looking at something else for something else if you get my drift! just not sure what yet..
  9. Ozma in Armor parts looks bad ass! Great photos! Thanks for that! So far whats winning is Ozma in Armor Battroid and 25A in Super fighter! I like Luca in clean fighter, not sure about Alto or Michael yet.. Although Michael does look awesome in Battroid with Supers! But the crotch piece looks a little like an afterthought being that lighter color.. (photo belongs to MW member TCracker) Might then leave the 25A bare..
  10. ah yes the VF-25S does look pretty good in either mode! I was thinking maybe the armored parts for Ozma in battroid and Supers for 25A in fighter? What you reckon?
  11. Howdy folks! I am after a little advice regarding Super & Armored parts for the VF-25 (renewal) range of Valkyrie.. Haven't really ever been a huge fan of super parts as I have always much preferred a clean & light look. Of my current (wee) collection of 31 Valkrie only my VE-1 is fitted with super parts purely so I can display it with the radar dome attached, faithful to the anime. But lately they have been growing on me somwhat so I had been considering purchasing a set of super or armored parts for maybe one or two of my VF-25 to kinda mix things up a little bit! I own one of each of the Frontier set of VF-25's and was thinking if I do buy a set or two then most likely I would want to display them with the parts in fighter mode.. or maybe Battroid if it looks cool enough. Therefore my question to you guys with all your vast Valkyrie experience is which of the add on parts sets do you think looks the best!? Of course I know I can make up my own mind but was just wondering what everyone else likes / dislikes or could recommend etc.. Also they are releasing the Tornado parts for the VF-25 soon and they look kinda cool too so do I wait for them to come out!? Gahhh.. too much choice and confusion.. I need chocolate. So yeah I'd really appreciate your thoughts & suggestions towards this! spanner76
  12. gahhh!! you and your amazing quality photos!! This looks just amazing! Might start buying super parts for my VF-25's..
  13. Hehe! I'll take your word for it! I'd love to try Macross 30 but I don't own a PS3 and I don't know anyone who has one either.. I can't say im too keen on buying a console just to play one game.. But.. if you reckon it is that good then it may be worth looking around for a cheap PS3!
  14. C'mon Arcadia re-issue 1/60 Max & Milia VF-1J!!!!
  15. Oh a PS3 game.. Not up to speed on ps3 stuff much but I'll have to check it out! I wish they would bring out these games for PC.. Like Macross 30, would love to have a go of that!
  16. I happened to stumble across this bit of animation the other day and was wondering if anyone knew where its from!? It only runs for a few seconds but its still crazy awesome!! I noticed it runs a bit faster than normal whilst displayed here but you can still see it clearly enough..
  17. Only on my VF-25F Alto (renewal).. All the others seem ok. Good thing I keep it in Battroid! Hehe! Just buy it! You know you want to! You'll love it!
  18. wish & want!!
  19. whaaa!? you find this at Jungle!? I mustn't have looked hard enough.. cant find Milia or Max anywhere.. ((cries))
  20. dang the YF-21 is a big bird! Gonna have to get me one of these eventually..
  21. yeah sounds like a good plan! I did have a look around and found nothing..
  22. hey anyone know if there are any places with pre-orders still open for the YF-30? I would like to get one for my son also.
  23. just bought me one of these skeleton kits! something different..
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