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Everything posted by spanner

  1. not even half a day later after dust removal I can already see a faint fine layer of dust settling on the glass shelves.. yes I'd say the non glossy plastic surface probably generates more static which dust will be drawn.. oh well looks like I just gotta live with it.
  2. ohhhh! that explains it! Thanks mate!
  3. Also.. where do you get those clear display table stand things from? Sorry if this has been covered before but I haven't ever seen them anywhere.. I need me some of these!!
  4. The off white for sure is the better color but I still love the bright whites which are faithful to the original anime! But as nice as a v3 VF-1 would be the very idea scares me somewhat as the potential cost involved in re-collecting a whole new range and then what to do with the old v2 which would then be obsolete and nobody will want to buy anymore...
  5. awesome! gonna find me one I think! yikes!! lol! maybe this won't happen as soon as I thought it would.. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Yamato-1-3000-Complete-SDF-1-MACROSS-Action-Figure-Rare-Japan-Anime-Official-/151324653670?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item233ba6f866&_uhb=1
  6. ok so this may sound a bit weird but this morning whilst the house was empty I took the chance to give my display cabinets a good clean. I do usually give them a quick going over with the duster but I noticed something a little odd regarding which displays had collected the more dust than the other.. From what I can see its the Yamato & Arcadia Valks which seem to have the most dust settling around them compared to the Bandai Frontier Valks! With my current setup I have one whole Klingsbo with just all my Yamato VF-1 which also includes a VF-4 and an Arcadia VF-1 which is the same anyway.. My other Klingsbo has one shelf with my 4x VF-19 and another shelf with my VF-11 & YF-19. Both these shelves have noticeably more dust settling on them than the other shelves with the Bandai Frontier Valks! Could it be that the material the Yamato / Arcadia Valks are made of attracts more dust than the more diecast built Bandai's!? Its quite bizarre! Even my other two Klingsbo with my cars and bikes on display also have much left dust settling around them! All the cars & bikes are mostly diecast apart from plastic interiors and rubber tires etc etc.. So my conclusion is that the more diecast something has in its construction the less it will attract dust! Seeing all the Yamato / Arcadia stuff is 95%+ plastic it then naturally attracts more dust!? The Ikea Klingsbo cabinets aren't the most dust proof design out there but I rarely have the doors open other than to clean or make display adjustments so I don't think dust blowing in that way is much of a factor.. So has anyone else noticed this? How often are you guys de-dusting your collection and what have you noticed? I might try better sealing up the two Macross displays somehow to try reduce the dust from entering..
  7. Great looking little setup! Love the arrangement especially the top two shelves! Might have to get me a SDF1 soon! What scale and version is that? 1/3000 DYRL? Simply awesome!! So jealous! The hanging Valks really set it off! Im definitely gonna hang more of mine up!
  8. Thanks! it was a tricky but with a combination of a little guess work and holding the line with one hand and placing the valk with the other got a rough idea of where I wanted it to sit. I have since dropped the nose down about 5mm. Just enough to make it more balanced / natural looking pose.
  9. Might have to check out that 3M stuff! My cousin works for 3M actually so I might get him to look into if for me! I can't remember how to tie the adjustable knots that I made years ago when I had my old planes on display.. although I used string not fishing line so im not sure if you could do the same with it.. I was able to always adjust the flight angles of my models but I don't think I can use the same concept in the display cabinet as my planes were just hooked up directly above to the ceiling and not from side to side like I have just done with the VF-1.. might have to do some research on it. Was just messing around with a Kakizaki in fighter mode in an attempt to make a flying pose with the fishing line but I just cant seem to nail it.. I didn't want to move it to the middle of the shelf. I like it in the corner.
  10. Its only early days yet but I think I have the rear of Ozma supported pretty well at the moment.. I don't plan on moving Ozma around much if at all so hopefully it won't turn into a floppy mess.. His right upper arm shoulder joint is already a tad on the loose side which is disappointing considering it was a brand new sealed Valk.. I make it a point to not mess around with any of my Valks too much aside from minor display re-positionings or dust cleaning. Hehe!! tell Michael to pull the trigger!
  11. spoken like a true scholar! I'll admit I have been gazing at Ozma pretty much all day after fitting the armor parts!
  12. I just tied the fishing line into loops and hooked them over the shelf supports in each corner. They are very secure! oh yeah you got the same cabinets!
  13. following Gakken85 & hazray13 lead, I thought I would give this a whirl myself! hung up my DYRL Hikaru VF-1A with some fishing line (was all I had) in a 'comin in hot n fast' gerwalk approach pose! I think it looks cool! Still gotta perfect the angle and adjust the lengths of line but this is a fairly good starting point! Didn't realize how much of a pain in the @55 fishing line was to handle especially tying small knots.. takes me back to my childhood days hanging up my model fighter planes in my bedroom! hehe! Will definitely do a few more like this! Let me know what you guys think! here are some happy snaps!
  14. Its just left over frame from a model kit.. you know the surround which holds all the bits before you cut them off etc etc.. Cut them down to size and super glued it all together. Easy!
  15. Ahhh that's a bit better! made up a new support for the armor parts.. sits more level & stable now! and no ugly base..
  16. ooohhh!!! I certainly hope so!
  17. The Armored Parts for Ozma arrived this morning.. I gotta say it was quite a painful challenge getting it all together and standing upright! From what I could tell the parts have been used / fitted previously and some things were a little loose and floppy like the top mount missile launcher bays which sit either side of the head. Did a small modification hack to the ball joints in an effort to stiffen them up a bit and they now sit a little better. I swapped out the chest plate inward opening missile bay doors in favor of the outward opening doors as one of the doors was floppy and had some yellow paint spill on the inner side which looked crap.. manufacturing defect I assume? I did manage to scrape some of that paint off but I wont be using it. And the left upper leg section cover for all its worth simply wont fit properly. Its sitting on there ok now but if just doesn't lock in. Yes I did take the intake fan covers off.. All in all Ozma looks totally bad ass! And it all just fits in between the shelves! The upper missile launcher bay doors have about 1mm of room to spare when fully opened.. Clearly Bandai intended these parts to be fitted only when the Valkyrie is on the display stand but as the shelf height on the Klingsbo is much shallower than the the Detolf for example I am unable to have it setup on the stand.. I guess I could remove one of the shelves and put more on them on the stands but I think the display would look shite.. might give it a go in the future who knows.. Also had to rig up a post from a small Minmay figure I had which now supports the weight of the parts from behind. Can't say I like having it there visible but at least Ozma is able to stand up without toppling over. Was a little frustrating to get it all sorted but its done and im happy! For a while there I was thinking stuff it I won't fit the parts but im glad I persisted with it all! Here are some photos..
  18. Went to see this with my son the other day.. found it quite average.. Most of the SFX were nice and overall it was better than the first 3 movies but the highlight for me was the girl in it (Nicola Peltz) she looked smokin hot! Especially in those super short shorts!
  19. I do have a Mikasa on pre-order but not that one.. I got this one! its fully poseable with option parts! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-002585&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3DMikasa+Ackerman%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 I did also buy the Max Factory one but it wasn't very good so I gave it away..
  20. oh.. I would happily get a set but I only have one 25G and I kinda prefer it in Battroid mode so I can pose it with the gun!
  21. Don't get me wrong im not complaining about her proportions but.. if only Klan's boobs were say roughly even two thirds their current size then I would happily buy one! I have a few Ranka, Sheryl and Minmay figures on display but they are all fairly toned down in regards to physical proportions, exposure and sexiness.. Klan's rack is just too massive! The Sheryl figure in this pic is pretty much pushing the boundaries but still nice! Not that my misses actually minds so much about the girly figures and I do really like the Klan figures but I don't want to come across a little to pervy or weird when the in-laws or friends come round to visit..
  22. sheesh!! that's a lot of 171 love right there! the one of two Valks im most likely never gonna buy.. the 17 & 171.. but still great photos though!
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