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Everything posted by spanner

  1. indeed they are a lovely thing aren't they!
  2. I guess that's not too bad a price for em.. they look hot as! Definitely gonna buy em both! Get more weird looks from friends and family..
  3. oh yeah!! Loving the poses of the 1D and Cavaliers! Might have to give them a try! and those stands are a great idea!!
  4. I had her and Mori Yuki on pre order but canceled them.. I think I'm gonna get em if they still available and not stupidly priced..
  5. gee I'd hate to sound like im completely un-educated or never visited a farm before but from what animal is that skull supposed to be from anyways? I was thinking a bull or mad cow of some sort!?!?
  6. Ozma indeed looks awesome with that big skull painted on his back! And its good that its something different other than a human skull too! Where I have my Ozma currently on display it was possible to see the skull but now with the Armored parts attached sadly you can't.. oh well, but the bad ass looking Armors are a very worthwhile compromise! Saburo sure does put us all to shame when it comes to taking happy snaps!
  7. I was pretty happy with getting mine through CDJ and I was able to you up my rewards points which virtually cancelled out the postage costs for EMS and brought the price of the Valk down similar to some of the other slightly more discounted sellers.
  8. that's still a very good price for a 1D! Mine cost me a bit more than that! And a nice choice for a display pose idea! I had mine on display just like that originally, Looks great! might have to put it back that way! hehe!
  9. Saburo that's fantastic! Thanks for posting it up!
  10. hehe!! I WILL PAY!
  11. Yes I second that! it would be awesome if they did max and milia as a set!C'mon Arcadia listen to the community and give us what we want!
  12. I have noticed that also! The M7 VF-19 bunch do seem to get the most comments when people see them in my collection! And its always positive! ei. "the colors on those are really nice!" or "oh I like those ones!" etc etc..
  13. Personally I'd love to get me one of these!
  14. spanner

    YF-21 WIP

    That's friggin awesome! I only just recently purchased a YF-21 but I wish it had this level of surface detail! Well done your work is amazing!
  15. ahhh yeah we never saw tv Roy with supers eh.. and besides the VF-1 looks so sleek and sexy without supers! but supers are cool still though!
  16. hehe! My wallet left me long ago and my bank account has already filed for divorce! Saburo that's why the VF-1 is my all time favorite Valkyrie!
  17. And the panel lining looks sweet! Like it's been in combat service! The whole finish looks factory.
  18. Gorgeous photos as always Saburo!! Lovely Valkyrie!
  19. that is one crazy hot looking 19P!! Why can't Yamato Arcadia make paints like this!? =o
  20. Cool! Looking forward to seeing them!
  21. Thanks for the replies guys! I did forget to mention that it was only really for Battroid mode that I was after posing suggestions for.. but all other modes are good too! Thanks for your very informative reply Mr March! You put some great points across! Yes I have been rather cautious when it comes to posing and most of my stuff is setup fairly conservatively or casual / human positions.. Extreme poses are difficult as the VF-1 Valks do seem to be stability sensitive and have a tenancy to want to topple over.. I know what you mean with the back facing towards you position as shown in the pic I have posted. Very simple but a great primed and ready stance! The flying in formation pose is fantastic also! I would like to get a few more of the fight pose stands to I can accomplish this! I have a handful of flightpose stands but the only Valkyrie I have in any sort of flight angle is the VF-1A Cavaliers with its wings swept back in a banking turn its looks great! But I had modified the stand previously when I had another Valk on display with it.. I made all three posts a different length by cutting them down a little. I know I could have just swapped out the posts from other sized stands but at the time I only had one and wasn't sure if I was gonna get more.. Hey thanks for the heads up. I did check out this thread and got some good ideas which I will use and try! Sorry to everyone for posting a new thread of an existing topic but I clearly didn't look hard enough to find it.. Nice little setup you have here! --- Mr March here is that rearward facing pose I was talking about.. looks so tough just standing there!
  22. Hey, just thought i'd throw ya'll a rather random request.. Im trying to freshen up my VF-1 display cabinet with some better action poses. I tried Googling for some pics but couldn't really find anything that looked even remotely interesting.. If you have any pics of some cool looking poses would you be so kind posting them up here so I can have a look!? Would greatly appreciate it!
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