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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! Spot on! Even the money I don't have!
  2. If its only the stand then it's a pass for me.. I'd rather go flightpose.
  3. oh f*** yeah!!! I'm gonna be all over this s***!!!May as well just give Arcadia direct debit access to my bank account!!! =D
  4. I have to agree with Gakken85. As much as the color is not correct, I'll just be happy that the build quality of the Zero has been brought up to (or beyond) the standard of the current VF & YF 19's.. Going back to the color issue, yes it is quite disappointing but maybe they had their reasons for it? But still when something is as closely faithful as possible to the anime it does make it that extra bit special!
  5. my cousin use to use baby wipes which he dried out in the shape - position he wanted then dusted it over in what ever spray can color he needed. Cos they sag and form over the surface very well, they looked perfect! Maybe give that a go! I just wouldn't dry it out over the Valks themselves though..
  6. same!!
  7. I can't wait! It was always my intention to place them side by side!
  8. That's a pretty good deal for it all! Nice job! I finally bought me a VF-1D Virgin Road! Thanks to MW member 'barurutor' for helping to make this possible!
  9. I also found a set but they want a bit too much for it.. just blew my monthly Valkyrie budget on a Virgin Road so now im a tad broke..
  10. loving the ghosts formation! I wonder how hard these sets are to find.. me want!
  11. I think they went a little overboard with the feminine look for her Valkyrie in M7.. it always looked kinda silly. They could have just made her valk a girly color rather than almost completely remodeling it with more curves and boobs.. hmmm yep same! Mylene is only young after all.. hehe!
  12. spanner

    Macross figures

    hehe! very cute!
  13. This! is what they need to make! Right Meow!
  14. hehe! Either that or until someone posts up another pic with another pose idea.. the possible pose combinations are endless! Has the potential to drive you crazy!
  15. hehe! Yeah that's true. They always seem to be available from most places.. I did see a few Yamato Destroids my cousin has in his collection but they just don't really cut it for me.. doubt I'll ever buy any myself.. but! A Spartan on the other hand would be epic! Never cared much for the others but always had a soft spot for the Spartan! Oh and while I'm at it, if Arcadia ever happens to read this I thought I'd mention that I'd happily pay $1000 for a 1/60 scale HWR-00 Monster MKII!!! Just sayin..
  16. yes I must admit they have been pretty much on par with other sellers. My Prophecy shipped about the same time as most of the other sellers did.
  17. oh come on!! Not even at $1!? I'd buy 100 of em if they were only $1!!! =Dbut then again the shipping cost would be astronomical.. Ahhh yes! For repaints! Excellent idea good sir! This price puts them roughly the same as the non painted versions!Only downside is their awful tinted canopy..
  18. thanks mate! Yeah I rather like it too so I think I'll keep him in that pose! I made a small adjustment to Kakizaki so it looks a little more natural. looks much better now! Time to move on to some others!
  19. gee that is cheap! HLJ really dropped their pants with that one! must want to off load the last of their stock!? puts it on par or even cheaper than some of the cheaper used examples I've seen for sale. I'd buy one if I didn't already have one.. but definitely don't want another..
  20. my heart started to race wildly when I saw people posting up that they got their payment requests.. thought we might be blessed with an earlier than expected release! but it was not to be.. a little more investigation seems to hold firm the 9th of August. Hope CDJ doesn't mess about when the time comes..
  21. yeah im glad I put it back to that pose! and yep it sure is the Hellcat! Shame we wont get em in Australia.. Nice shot! my VF-1J MPT is currently in an almost identical pose!
  22. Holy crap!! thats friggin awesome!!
  23. dang that's extremely cheap for a Roy! regardless that its an Arcadia re-issue.. nice!
  24. hey guys, so here are a few photos of some test poses to start off with.. figured I'd mess around with them for a while seeing no one is home and I got the house to myself! I thought I'd put my 1D back to this config with it holding Minmay in hand which I had previously. I think it looks cool her sitting there! and she sits there better than she does compared to in the cockpit! Max & Kakizaki are still just test positions.. I apologize in advance for the low quality pics as I could only get my Note3 camera to focus in the poor light in this room whilst set to the lowest resolution no matter what settings I tried.. great phone, crap camera.. my DSLR was stolen from my car whilst parked at work.. low life scum bag whoever it was.. 5k camera I am still a little cautious and nervous flexing these Valks around too much so these poses. As conservative as they look, this gonna be the most extreme I'll go with them. Im especially scared of moving the upper arms around too much cos the shoulder joints.. Kakizaki in this pose is surprisingly wobbly and it took a few leg knee twist adjustments to make it stable and not want to tip forward.. Max sits nice and steady! Think I'll keep him like this actually! also sorry about the changing pc desktop image in the background.. got a few pics that randomly scroll through. To some they might look a little lame but im too scared to push the limits! hehe! So let me know what you think so far! more suggestions are welcome!
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