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Everything posted by spanner

  1. yeah they are ok, I've ordered from them before with no hassles..
  2. yuck that sure sucks.. the only one I have seen lately is from 'it came from Japan' website.. you could give it a go?www.itcamefromjapan.com/dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-yf-30-chronos-bandai-preorder_p_1998.html or here.. www.go-real.com.my/goods.php?id=644
  3. apologies if this has been mentioned in this or another thread and im a wee bit lazy to go hunting for it but has there been any hint or details of when pre-orders will open for the VF-0D??
  4. have to agree!
  5. yes its supposed to be.. we can only hope.. cos I purchased mine through CDJ im keeping literally everything I possibly can crossed (yeah that to.. yep I said it!) that firstly they honor all their pre-orders (unlike other places which I have had pre-orders cancelled due to shorter than expected supply) and secondly that they don't mess about and ship them out in a timely manner. I am an extremely impatient person at the best of times and get easily cranky and irritable when I am made to wait.. just ask my wife.
  6. spanner

    1/55's revisited

    well if anyone wants it its free to a good home.. taker has to pay postage.. loose no packaging or add on parts.. average condition.. just gotta find which box its packed away in! possible nightmare right there..
  7. Saburo its not fair you starting a thread such as this as your the gun when it comes Valkyrie photography which none of us mere mortals can ever hope to match! Amazing photos as per usual! Nice parts combos too I must add!
  8. OMG! that's friggin hot!! nice combo! sheesh Akira and the 29 sure do have some sexy curvy lines! HOT x HOT = Smokin!
  9. She's gotta kinda weird looking head on her shoulders.. smashing bod though! I'd prefer to see Akira pilot that 27! Even if her colors don't match!
  10. sorry.. had to! (click on the image for it to work..)
  11. Dang that ED209 is MASSIVE!!! looks almost double the height of Alto's 25! Impressive stuff! definitely on my 'to get' list!
  12. spanner

    1/55's revisited

    A while back I offered my last remaining 1/55 to my son and his response was.. "errr no thanks"
  13. 11,900 yen at hobby search! Crazy stuff! No wonder every last one sells out in seconds.. kinda makes me feel pissed off that I bought my Ozma at over 30,000 yen a few months back.. oh well.. it wouldn't be the first or last time I've pissed money into the wind on crap..
  14. I don't blame you! I want Max & Milia so bad! And what intensifies that want even more is that the VF-1J are my fav Valk.. I've had one Valk (19 Double Nuts) which had been panel lined & sticker'd by its previous owner and it did indeed look great but I don't think I'll ever try doing it myself.. just way too scared I'd stuff it up!
  15. Gahhh! I couldn't help it, I just had to buy me an Akira Yamamoto figure! Especially after seeing Saburo's amazing photos of her! She's simply way too sexy to pass up! I must have her! oh and I got me a Yamato 1/60 Roy Low Vis! thanks to Barurutor! HAPPY DAYS!!! (pics do not belong to me)
  16. Oh I certainly do hope so! Nice pics too!
  17. well it looks your fix works a treat! You're a (Max) Jenius! hehe! see what I did there!? get it? genius.. I crack me up!
  18. Two of my 1J's (Hikaru & MPT) were more expensive than my Roy 1S was.. or most other 1S variants I have looked at purchasing..
  19. Gee Saburo you're quite the handy little flower ain't ya! Hehe!
  20. I have seen storage nightmares first hand with what happened to loads of stuff my cousin had on shelves stored in his garage.. a lot of original boxes and contents suffered damage from mold and mildew and he lost a lot of good stuff. Not to mention mice and other insects eating away at stuff.. he has a 4 car wide garage with 2 spaces still taken by their cars and I think having the doors opened up fairly frequently along with what the cars brought in and gave off was always going to be a recipe for disaster!
  21. Indeed the stresses of the extra weight and potential loosening of the already highly compromised joints is of great concern.. nobody wants to display a difficult floppy unbalanced mess.. You'd think that Bandai would've taken these factors into account but I guess the bulk of the parts and keeping them as faithful to the anime as possible took precedence over that..
  22. The Tornado parts certainly do look very cool especially in fighter mode. From what I can see due to the top heavy nature of these parts, having the 25 mounted on a display stand is gonna be a requirement if posed in gerwalk or battroid modes.. Gotta say though after getting the armored parts for Ozma (which I do really love!) I think I'll give buying anymore of these big add on part sets a miss. I even canceled the Michael supers I had ordered..
  23. VF-X on Mandarake.. cheap(ish) but not sure about condition listed as damaged? http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-519417.html
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