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Everything posted by spanner

  1. indeed it is! I pre-ordered this McLaren several months back and it released in early October. Its such a nice model! Very impressed with it!
  2. Went to the local markets today and picked me up a 1:18 CMC Porsche 901 for an absolute bargain price! This model car is just gorgeous! The attention to detail and features are simply amazing!
  3. That Dredd looks totally bad ass!! Loved the latest movie remake! 😎
  4. I'll raise my glass to that! Cheers! Hehe! 1 Valkyrie per month does sound quite fair but sadly im not in a position to adopt anyone at this stage! and LOL @ good father thread! thanks mate! you making me blush! maybe we all better get back to the initial thread topic!
  5. hmmm maybe the huge costs of building all those stupid long ladders blew the HWR's program bugdet which would explain why there were so few of them built! hehe! only joking.. I pulled that one out of my arse.. but still that ladder idea is complete fail!
  6. my son is indeed my only child and my whole life which of course makes it hard not to spoil him! I just want him to have what I didn't at his age.. my parents had already divorced long before I was his age and for a while there things were a little rough..
  7. hehe! I hope so too but... a HWR-00 MK II even at 1:72 scale is gonna be a lot of toy to begin with so yeah I'd say its a certainty that it will!
  8. only cos they know that some poor sod somewhere will eventually cave from of sheer desperation and buy it!
  9. hmmm yes a good question indeed.. ok so even if it were to be about double the cost of say.. a Zero-D for example, then I think it'd still be in the money for me!
  10. hehe! a Porsche 911 would be awesome! but im aiming for a new Ford Mustang GT 5.0 when they land here (Australia) next year! either then or 2016.. depending on my financial position..
  11. ahhh ok well that clears things up a bit! Thanks for the info dude! and yes gives us a little buffer to help wallets & bank accounts recover before our next crazy mad spending sprees! I definitely will be getting one for sure!!
  12. If the J-GBP set is scheduled to release Jan 2015 and the Zero-D a month later in Feb and considering that the pre-orders have already opened up for the Zero then when will the pre-orders for the J open most likely? Its kinda weird that they still haven't yet? Sorry if this has been covered in conversation already..
  13. I've decided im gonna do the same!
  14. Hey, my son is nearly 14. It would probably make sense to just wait for the re-issues but that could take ages.. I don't mind paying reasonable money for a Valkyrie if its the right condition. But yeah many of what is available now is just overpriced.. And yes he know's very well how expensive this hobby is! Hehe! thanks for that McFly! good to see I can have a good influence on someone! Yeah he is a pretty cool kid! I'd like to think I am doing something right raising him! I don't necessarily want to spoil him, I just want him to have more of a childhood than I had.. I think its important for kids to grow up and still feel like a kid and enjoy their youth before the varied realities of adulthood come in..
  15. Over the long term yes its gonna be one heck of a financial outlay.. but ultimately I don't mind so much. Its pretty cool that we share a common interest and a good one too! The Alto 29 is right at the top of my sons "most wanted" list! I'll work away slowly at his collection.. Yeah but my son has been pretty good up till into his early teens, never really asked for a lot and never causes trouble and does well at school so in reward im more than happy to do this for him. Hehe! thanks for the kind words mate! And yes the credit card is an easy thing to load up but I'll only use it when its convenient.. but im definitely not going to make the mistake again of selling stuff off.. well certainly not anything Macross anyways!
  16. Even as a model kit, a 1/48 VF-25 would have been an awesome thing to see! Shame it never came about..
  17. always loved this drawing! I even printed one off and colored it in a while back but for the life of me I cannot find where it is.. im kinda pissed about that as I put a lot of effort into it too! drat & double drat..
  18. Its back to 3 only pre-orders of the VF-0D for me.. my son has had a change of heart and would prefer to complete his Frontier Valkyrie collection instead and not collect Valks from any other series.. But this may only work out harder for me as not only does he still need a Michael, Ozma & a VF-25A (+ various add on parts for them), he also wants all the YF-29 variants AND a YF-30!
  19. haha! hmmm maybe not I reckon! I've always thought that the VF-4 does look absolutely fantastic in fighter mode but im not so fond of its other modes.. And my son doesn't really care for the VF-4 much at all.. But never say never as if they do ever re-release the VF-4 maybe I'll purchase another but only to either keep fresh in the box or to re-sell down the track after they have sold out again!? oh and speaking of sheer pricing lunacy.. see link below! https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/3606-choujikuu-yousai-macross-vf-4g-lightning-iii-limited-edition.html
  20. hehe! sorry Valks only! yep will do as of this week! I threw it in there cos I knew someone would try that on me! I should have specified "valks only" in the original post! LOL!
  21. Hehe! I guess I should start playing lotto then eh!
  22. I promise that if I ever win the Lotto that I will buy everyone on here a Valkyrie of their choice! (terms and conditions apply, offer excludes 1/3000 SDF-1, VF-4G & VF-1J Max & Milia)
  23. Recently picked up a minty fresh unopened Luca RVF for my son's Frontier Valkyrie colleciton.. ok so where do I collect my father of the year award? anyone?
  24. @Gakken85.. well if you put it that way then im more than happy to pay their high asking prices if it helps them keep afloat and produce more Macross Valkyrie goodness to feed my addiction! Well $#!7 aren't I the model consumer..
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