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Everything posted by spanner

  1. and this happened.. I only bought this purely for the missiles n stuff.. was cheap and unopened. I don't actually own a 171 as yet, but might pick up a Luca 171.. maybe.. gahhh I gotta stop buying 5#!t and actually start saving money..
  2. I was more stupid than crazy.. or maybe just crazy stupid! either way I kinda hate myself for letting it go.. makes me wanna bash my head against something the more I think about it..
  3. way too much... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Yamato-1-60-Macross-VT-1-Figure-/161391807683?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2593b38cc3
  4. well congrats on your find! hope it wasn't tooooo expensive! the VT-1 I had didn't have cracked shoulder joints so there is hope!
  5. that set looks sweet as! has it been weathered!?
  6. You're getting it from eBay right!? Seems to be the only place you can find them but at a cost.. I see there is one nudging $1000.. (cries) I'll admit I have been tempted to do the same ever since I so stupidly chose to let mine go.. I guess one can only live and learn from their mistakes.. geez I feel so stupid.. To be honest I don't see them doing too many re-issues for the old VF-1 line, maybe money makers like the M&M's but that still seems like a stretch. And for the ones they did its like they were simply testing the waters.
  7. Can't argue with that one! They are all deliciously gorgeous!
  8. Wow!! She is just stunning! Great photos Saburo!
  9. hmmm yeah I'd say between 18,000 to 24,000
  10. I wasn't going to get one but I may as well.. I'll probably just regret it if I don't. And it looks like I'll be up for two of them as my son has put in his request for one also :/ Hope they won't be too expensive..
  11. nice additions Mickyg! The Michael looks great in Gerwalk with supers!
  12. that looks fantastic! im really liking the Macross Chronicles in the background! and the Bandai box! I once used the box background idea for some of my 1:18 model cars but no room for that now..
  13. Yeah this is true! im glad I finally got her! I have already shifted my Yamato display around to accommodate her! Hehe! Saburo must have shares in the company!
  14. ahh ok.. I didn't read it again so my memory of it was a little sketchy..
  15. Looks great! hmmm makes me think maybe I should get me one of these! I don't have any 171 at all so this might cause a problem if I end up wanted to collect them all!
  16. I think I read somewhere that the 171 was a lower cost re-production stock gap version of the 17.. if I remember correctly.. found it! I knew I read it somewhere.. was looking around all over the place. It was something that was posted up on this very forum! not sure how accurate this information is.. interesting reading though! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39877
  17. I read something not too long ago, possibly another side story that a YF-30 had managed to shoot down Isamu in some conflict somewhere.. He ejected and wasn't injured if I remember correctly. Not sure what the fate of his 19 was though.. so it would seem that advanced as his modded 19 was it was no match for a 30!
  18. hehe! ok so I couldn't help myself whilst on a spending spree! just ordered one of these GX-67 Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia! looks quite menacing eh!
  19. FINALLY!!! found me a RVF-25 Super Parts & Ghost set!! cost me a little more than I was hoping to pay but this set is mint in sealed box! can't wait for it to arrive!
  20. I didn't think of that.. I guess that could be one possibility why Bandai chose to release this Valk?
  21. Hmmm I have to say im still on the fence at this stage with this one, but knowing me I'll probably end up buying one anyways.. if not for me then for my son.. he hasn't seen this 19 yet thankfully! Will definitely need to see photos of it in fighter mode.. maybe there is a good reason why they haven't revealed that mode to anyone yet.. heck it could look like total arse for all we know.. but I doubt that. Even with its carried over design faults from previous 19 releases the Arcadia YF-19 Isamu is gonna be pretty hard to best, crappy ankle joints & missing tampo's aside.. I still love mine to bits! And I still can't help but feel.. why Bandai, why this 19 and not a VF-1!?!? its just seems so random and oddball.
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