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Everything posted by spanner

  1. ahhh I figured so.. they are very similar setup to the conformal tanks on the Advanced Super Hornet.. hmmm maybe Boeing - McDonnell Douglas copied the design idea! hehe! yeah I doubt it..
  2. what are these meant to be on the upper fuselage? conformal tanks or something? Not that I mind them being there or anything but im curious what the Zero would look like without them.. or if they were smaller..
  3. Mate it looks sick as! I loved the 1st two movies! I'd wanna get Robocop and ED209 together! But thats a near $1000 outlay! Hmmm maybe one day! I see there is also a 1/4 scale version but i think its a different brand not Hot Toys..
  4. The box art does look cool I'll admit! The Yamato and Arcadia boxes have all looked quite average till now. But its a shame most of the boxes will be packed away out of sight once the Valks are taken out for display! Then again I wouldn't mind even if the box was a plain cardboard brown! As long as they get the Zero-D as perfect as they possibly can instead!
  5. That Robocop figure looks boss!! I want one! Which release/brand is this one?
  6. If they play their cards right Arcadia could win from a M&M re-issue considering how rare they've become and the price they now command! One could say the 1:60 M&M sets are the Holy Grail of Valkyrie toys! Im sure there are many collectors with these little gems missing from their collection! Myself included!
  7. Amen bro.. amen.
  8. can I take you up on that offer!?
  9. That sure is some impressive leg articulation right there! I've had girlfriends who couldn't manage that range of spread!
  10. oh im sure he will! He's been buggin me for a while to continue with his Frontier collection! Next is an Ozma 25.. Yeah it was rather pricey but I wanted to get him one which hadn't been opened and or used and this comes at a premium as we all know.. its funny how expensive Michael's 25 is compared to what you can get Alto's 25 for on Mandarake.. But on the flip side you can pay about 4 times as much for Alto's 25 Supers compared to the relative peanuts they want for Michael's Supers!? Its crazy stuff! And I have decided that I will replace ALL the Bandai display stands with Flightpose. The Bandai stands are just too limiting when it comes to display options and my Ikea Klingsbo cabinets with their relatively low shelf heights comapred to Detolfs don't make it any easier either. I worked out that 9 stands would work well for the moment and I will swap out other size Flightpose stands I currently have some of my VF-1 sitting on. My displays could do with a freshening up anyways.. I will buy more stands later but also wanted to cap the costs of the stands as the Australian dollar is rather weak at the moment and the 9 stands posted was already approaching north of $200..
  11. hehe! sooo it was expensive! I knew it! I paid over $500 (aussie dollars) for mine including delivery.. was kinda spewing about it as I stumbled across a few quite a bit cheaper not too long afterwards but the one I got was mint in unopened box so im over it now.. I bet you can't wait!
  12. want.Zero-D.now.. Need.time.machine!
  13. just picked up a renewal VF-25G & Super Parts from Jungle for my son's Xmas presents! oh and also ordered 3 sets of each size (9 total) Flightpose stands.. gonna start replacing the junk Bandai Valkyrie stands..
  14. nurse version of Mori Yuki from Space Battleship Yamato 2199 also arrived today! yep, she's a babe!
  15. Well the first of the three YF-29 I recently purchased arrived today! It was the 30th AE "Fokker" colors which I must say is quite the gem! Really liking the Fokker style paint scheme! Kicking myself for not buying these earlier..
  16. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    This is on the 1/72 transformable model kit eh!? I never noticed this before! those fold out side covers are a very nifty idea! Shame the 1/60's don't have this system.. I've never used those optional fill pieces they come with..
  17. its a sensational pic eh! I had this as my phone wallpaper for ages! Gerwalk is the mode!
  18. Hey nice xmas tree!! I bet you can't wait to rip that Robocop box open! Very nice pickup!! after my TV VF-1J Hikaru, the cannon fodder colors has to be my 2nd all time fav Valkyrie! Hope this guy wasn't too expensive for you.. mine cost me a right fortune!
  19. spanner

    Macross figures

    oh man! they look sooo dang good! I can't wait to have em!
  20. looks stunning! congrats!
  21. hmmm there is probably some good argument to be had with this but still I gotta say overall I have probably had more success with up front payment pre-orders than with "bill you later when stock arrives" pre-orders.. From how I see it the re-seller would give those folks who threw down the cash early, priority when 'what ever it happens to be' stock finally comes in.. but in saying that I am fully aware that there are never any concrete guarantees you'll get what you ordered when it comes to pre-orders..
  22. dang it.. wasn't able to find anything discounted that was worth getting this time round.. oh well maybe next year!
  23. yeah have ordered from them a few times now and its always been a painfully slow process.. a shame as their stands are very good! not quite as flexible (pose wise) as the Yeti stand but still a very good thing! Thanks for the heads up about their website.. I was gonna order some more very soon! Will shoot em an email instead..
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