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Everything posted by spanner

  1. mishandling I'd say.. I have had that a few times where my local post office has "accidentally" re-forwarded on my parcel back to the distribution center!? Post office staff being either careless or not paying attention.. Lucky for me its not an hour away!
  2. it could spring on us at any moment! but I'd say through Jan or Feb at the very latest.. I could be wrong..
  3. the (Michael 25G) Super Parts I bought for my YF-25 just came in this morning so I wasted no time fitting em up! Looks so cool! The parts colors pretty much suit the Prophecy perfectly!
  4. good thinking mate! makes a lot of sense as it would be way cheaper for them rather than including a whole 2nd head unit..
  5. gahh.. May again.. so much waiting hurts my soul..
  6. I'd love to pickup Robo, ED & Cain! but that would be a rather expensive exercise!
  7. yikes! 20 days! oh hang on.. my Space Battleship Yuria figure took 3 weeks to arrive to Australia from Japan via SAL.. EMS & DHL = WIN!
  8. Interesting point that! Shows both goggle colors in the picture! It would be cool if they released it with an optional color goggle head.. I was just watching that particular episode and after Hikaru jettisons the armor parts the color of the goggle switches between white and gray several times within the space of a few minutes! hehe! Gotta love choppy animation! ​
  9. I have been using the FP stands for a while now and so far no paint damage issues.. I wonder if weather conditions would play a part in people experiencing problems? I think I read somewhere that the early version of these stands with the black tips caused a few issues.. leaving black marks.. ?
  10. it often feels like a bottomless pit of desperation in the hope someone releases something no matter if its 100% accurate or not.. if I certainly feel this way about it then im sure many others do to.. but im sure as hell glad its coming!
  11. yeah I can handle 23,000 yen!!!
  12. ok so I haven't actually bought this but OMG I do WANT!!! link to website.. http://chroniclecollectibles.com/robocop-2-cain/
  13. This looks awesome! So you gonna pass your models to shapeways so we can get one printed up!?
  14. this does look great! Might have to get me one and do a upgrade to my of my VF-1A Valks..
  15. agreed! Definitely wouldn't ever buy one myself either but I do like what they did with the "BO" letters to incorporate the 30th anniversary into "Robotech" cool! still wouldn't buy one! ​
  16. yeah im not so fussed either.. either color is nice! And im just thankful it's being re-issued and the pre-orders have been opened! The wait till almost mid next year does kinda suck a fat one though..
  17. ordered 2nd one from NY
  18. PO check! And now just 5 and a bit months to go eh! :/
  19. Well gee that opened up earlier than i had expected! Just put my pre-order in with AmiAmi for one only.
  20. haha! yeah it kinda does a bit eh!
  21. fanx mate!
  22. my Flightpose order finally arrived yesterday so I went straight to work! Some is still a work in progress but im liking how its turning out! I managed to get rid of almost all the Bandai stands too! yay! apologies for poor quality photos.. phone cam.. no FP stand here.. just a tidy up!
  23. +1
  24. display stand porn! thinking I want now!
  25. I know eh..
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