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Everything posted by spanner

  1. looks fantastic! nice job!
  2. yikes! I couldn't imagine anything more horrifying! I have seen a few ebay listings very similar with v2 pose pics and a v1 box shot of the actual item! scary stuff!
  3. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! this looks sick!!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!
  4. You would've thought that after over 30 years of Macross they would be at least a VF-1 statue somewhere but no.. The largest Valkyrie on display that I know of is the partial VF-25F exhibit thing.. This Gundam statue is mighty impressive but we need a Valkyrie statue c'mon!! I say we start a petition to get one built! Heck I'd even make a donation towards it! Even if they built a full size VF-1 in fighter mode seriously how cool would that be!!!
  5. the Bandai server will probably crash from all the F5 refresh requests before anyone has a chance to actually place their pre-order!
  6. Gotta admire the flexibility of those Yeti stands eh! That is so cool!
  7. Not into Gundam but those are cool!
  8. I would have liked to get the re-issue Kai bundle as the gold highlights do look a little more fancy than the yellow but I still love the one I have and I don't care for that silly looking sound booster.. I have to say my fav of the 19 lot is still the VF-19P.. the white color and head design really do it for me! But I don't use those silly shoulder speaker winglet things..
  9. haha!! such a nice way to put it! bloody pre-orders..
  10. so I presume 4pm Japan time is when they expect to open the doors to pre-orders? if so then is there anything particularly special about 4pm in Japan or is that just the time they chose for 5hit to hit the fan!?
  11. yeah pre-orders can often prove to be a "dog eat dog" kinda deal at times.. and im expecting no less of a situation with the Bandai 19.. if I can manage to secure one then great! but if not then oh well.. I'll give it my best shot regardless!
  12. this is just too funny! and outrageously accurate!
  13. hehe!! maybe just google the pics of the Valks instead of watching M7.. was pretty terrible! LOL! who knows watching the series might even put you off! But be warned its long and the singing becomes quite intense and intolerable! Originally I thought the Fire Valkyrie was a little too RED!!! but the more I looked at it the more I liked it! It was the last VF-19 i picked up but im so glad I did as its a great piece! The loud color makes it very unique!
  14. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! now that's just mean!
  15. as previously mentioned by others, the Yamato YF-19 are pretty shabby and best avoided.. even if you were to find one mint, sealed & never transformed they are still an odd looking floppy mess.. They do look fairly ok in fighter mode but Gerwalk and Battroid just get worse respectively. unless you are specifically after a 19 in Isamu colors there are VF-19S still available out there at quite reasonable prices.. click link below.. https://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7008-vf-19s-emerald-force.html Some would consider the VF-19F a little better looking variant than the 19S as it has a simpler head design and white highlights instead of yellow. Although I like both equally as much! The VF-19 totally kills the older YF-19 in all areas. Some may have loose ankle joints but if you find one new unused then you shouldn't have much of a problem. I own a used 19S and the ankles are fine! And pretty much everything else is better and more than makes up for it as they are better built, better engineered and have much better proportions. Definitely worth a look!
  16. Agreed! Im looking forward to having both toys side by side for a direct comparison! At least we'll get the best of both worlds having both brands toys! And.. the heated forum discussions regarding their differences, accuracies & flaws once finally released should be quite interesting too!
  17. yeah most likely i'd say.. but I myself have made careless and or desperation purchases before only to find the same item(s) cheaper shortly afterwards..
  18. Did you fit those decals on the super parts or did they come like that? I was thinking about fitting the Skull logo on the VF-1S Supers that I got.. I have never attempted applying them before and wasn't sure how easy or well they stick on..
  19. @dapro Nice poses! Hikaru's a boss eh!
  20. No worries buddy! Can't wait to get it!
  21. just bought me one of these!!! VF-1J/K custom head unit designed by the the one and only Kurisama! Gonna make me a custom VF-1 Valk! Thanks Kurisama! You're a champion! link to item.. https://www.shapeways.com/model/2897190/vf-1j-k-custom-head-unit.html?li=search-results-1&materialId=61
  22. crazy insane prices!!! the madness just keeps escalating!
  23. hehe! thanks KB! I had been meaning to put together this type of flying display for quite a while now! just had to buy the FP stands to get it done. So glad its done as I love the result!
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