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Everything posted by spanner

  1. sweet sunnies! so.. would you be interested in selling me your Super Ostrich by any chance!?!?
  2. OMG!!! I cant express how much I want this! Exactly this! Gotta find me a Max & Milia soon..
  3. Nice catch DyNo! I've been after one of these for a while now!
  4. then again.. aren't ships and things like this mostly female? so then it could even be a box shot!?!?
  5. only 100 point!? I dunno.. considering the size of the Macross they would be some pretty big nuts!
  6. Hey thanks Brouken! The display cabinets are Ikea Klingsbo. To be honest they aren't quite as good as the Ikea Detolf.. Yeah I do rather pride myself about my Emerald Force squadron! Bad ass looking lot! Thanks mate! Thanks for your kind words! Yeah my VF-1 bunch are the heart of my Macross collection!
  7. @jvmacross.. love the hanger shots! looks fantastic! Today I got my other display cabinets lighting setup! I might still add some smaller LED strips to brighten up the lower shelves a bit as the light doesn't quite spread so well in a few spots, the phone camera seems to exaggerate the effect showing a greater contrast between the lighter and darker areas making it look worse than it actually is.. I included a brightness controller and this setting is at 25%. Im pretty wrapped with the end result!
  8. Hehe! Thanks! Even if i wanted to add more i cant! seeing how hard VF-1 are to find these days.. I'll finish my other shelves lighting today and poat more pickies! =)
  9. Did i!? I mean oh yeah i did! You like that eh!? Hehe! That was a purely random occurrence to be honest! as i was taking photos of Yui my desktop wallpaper kept cycling through pics as it does and it just so happened to stop at that photo with the sword lined up exactly! But anyways I'll happily take the credit for my awesome photography skills!
  10. just a quick update.. finally got some LED lights for my displays and got one test fitted today! this is still a work in progress and will need to clean up some wiring but im pretty happy with how it looks so far! I might add a small strip to the underside of the 2nd shelf up from the bottom to help light the lower 2 shelves a little better.. so anyways here's a pic!
  11. She does eh! Im really liking the Figma line of figures! Even if Yui is my first.. Seeing how much this little babe impressed me, I might just start hunting for more!
  12. 5x Skulls!! Looks wicked! Would that be MWF member 'Scream Man' former VF-11C Skull repaint?
  13. Picked up a Figma - Yui Takamura from Muv-Luv Alternative.. she's a lovely little figure!
  14. The pics of the painted ones looks sweet as! Can't wait to finally get them!
  15. hehe! this is true! $332 US!? yeah right.. they can go eat a fat one instead!
  16. Cool model idea but I have to agree David, the flaws are indeed rather disappointing.. I'd also have preferred a different paint scheme, I've always been rather fond of the Sundowners!
  17. a few places still have pre orders open for the Zero-D.. although I have never used these websites so I cant speak for them.. http://www.tfidownunder.com/shop/160-transformable-vf-0d-phoenix-shin-kudo-ver-by-arcadia/ http://hobbyraiser.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1727 http://www.dendenhobby.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1822 http://www.greattoysonline.com/gto/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=26691 http://www.play-asia.com/macross-7-perfect-trans-vf-0d-phoenix-kudo-shin-model-paOS-13-49-en-70-8a49.html (have used Play-Asia once.. some ppl have had bad experiences with them but mine was ok, just say'n) https://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7451-vf-0d-phoenix-shin-kudo-version.html (have used HKC a few times before without any dramas) http://www.hobbyjapanonline.com/anime.php?CAT=98&textsearch=vf-0d so you get the idea..
  18. So I thought I'd just bite the bullet and buy one from Nin-nin-game but they want immediate payment which I don't want to do as my Macross budget is dry so I decided against it.. This place also has an open pre-order.. http://www.toyslogic.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=37862
  19. thanks for posting it again! Im still considering ordering myself another.. but 30k yen is rather unnecessarily high priced..
  20. 4 Valkyrie!! These stands are mighty impressive!
  21. So cool! So very cool! hehe! the lanky legs of the original release YF-19 look so awkward! Yeah I don't miss my Double Nuts..
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