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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Hehe! I don't blame you for getting her! She's a babe! Cant wait for Yurisha to arrive!!
  2. Hey Saburo, can you post up a photo of the Ozma 29 but without supers? I wanted to try one as my phone wallpaper!
  3. Looks spectacular! All it needs now are the Skull squadron stickers on the vertical stabilizers!
  4. Oh and I can't wait to see them!!!
  5. Thats why i paid for mine straight away before the dollar sank deaper then the Titanic!
  6. Armor parts look so bad ass! Great pics as always Saburo!
  7. @derex3592 Nice Valks! & kitchen! no seriously I love those bench tops!
  8. Holy crap i haven't seen one of those guns in yonks! Nice purchases mate!
  9. Yeah the darker gun pod color looks a lot better eh! And im honna have to re-watch Frontier as i totally cant remember Alto using Michaels super parts! Looks very cool though!
  10. You're not alone, at the moment im living week to week especially after pre paying some of my Macross pre orders.. and I've still got car rego and insurance this month and a few utility bills just came in too so im pretty much screwed! But yes you gotta love the pressure of it all and hey you only live once so why not eh! That is a good question, haven't heard or read anything about it unless i haven't been paying attention.. although im not so fussed if they don't come with the covers as i dont use them on my VF-1 at all.. Actually im quite content with the asking price as long as everything that was wrong with the original release VF-0 is fixed like they promised. And these things will be fairly huge so you'll be getting your moneys worth for a 1/60 scale toy! But again im not fussed if it doesn't come with a stand as the standard Yamato stand is total junk anyeays and im gonna order more Flightpose or maybe a few Yeti stands!
  11. Such damn fine looking birds!
  12. there are some very good transformation guides on anymoon.com have you checked these out?
  13. this is a perfect color combination! Looks fantastic!
  14. it just wouldn't be a Valkyrie if you didn't have to experience this!
  15. Great pics Yeti! The 19P is a lovely thing eh!
  16. this is crazy impressive!!
  17. im glad I got my 3 in and paid for.. but if by any chance (slim im sure) that it doesn't impress me as much as it does right now then I can always off load 2 of em..
  18. what a brilliant idea!!
  19. Joint "A" I was able to tighten up this joint a bit by adding a clear coat to ball joint and tightening the screw.. Joint "B" Cant quite remember if there is a screw or a pin in this joint.. Although I haven't had an issue with this joint. yet.. Joint "C" I managed to remove the pin and attempted to fit in a replacement but it wouldn't fit so well so I managed to expand the original pin ever so slightly and pushed it back in the joint and it seemed to work. Removing and replacing this pin is a total prick of a thing to do.. This whole area is just a weak point of the 25.. not necessarily a "bad" design, just poorly manufactured. I would say due to the complexity of the design in order for it to transform as accurately as possible that this was the best compromise. But clearly manufacturing tolerances were not as closely refined as needed.
  20. Hehe! Thanks! And nahhh... my collecion is a VF-17 free zone! Not really a fan of em..
  21. ohhh! this is getting exciting! only about a month away now! Cant wait!
  22. gahhh!!! that's exactly what I've been after! such a good price too!
  23. hehe! ok then! so here is my family of M+ & M7 Valks! It was only till after I uploaded the pics to my pc I noticed they were a little dark in some spots.. VF11 in particular, then realized my display cabinet lights were set to only 50% brightness.. I would take some new pics but that would require too much effort and I don't want to get up off my arse.. Also I was having a gaze at both the YF21 & VF22 and it would seem that the finish on the VF22 looks that little bit cleaner & neater than the YF21.. Both of these were purchased mint & unopened so I would guess that perhaps Yamato must have freshened up the mould before VF22 production!? Nevertheless they are both as stunning as each other! I must find a Max now!
  24. hehe! you guys crack me up! sorry.. had to..
  25. Im thinking I'll only get the Max version. not so sure or keen on Gamlin. But hey who knows it'll probably happen anyways!
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