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Everything posted by spanner

  1. @Saburo Looks cool but I think im still preferring the two inboard, one outboard missile configuration.. now that you've tried it this way, which do you prefer yourself?
  2. hehe! yep! =)
  3. Personally im not minding the release color much at all.. I'll take it as a factory fresh paint job which hasn't yet faded during operational deployment on a carrier.. but im still puzzled as to why Arcadia just wouldn't or couldn't match the color to the anime!?!? As I said im not fussed by the color but it would be nice to find out their reason for this..
  4. that's a great idea! you can count me in for one at least! then if I can get another during the pre-order madness period then its a bonus! Im pretty sure my son wants one anyways..
  5. I'm pretty sure all of my DYRL squad are rainbow..
  6. I'd probably just pee myself at my desk!
  7. Great photos! Dang it im itching to get mine! So are you happy with the final release?
  8. Hehe! im not sure what would give out first from pressing the F5 key for 24 hours! My finger or the button! Might also have to take the day off work!
  9. I'd be nervous as anything carrying that around! Wouldn't want to be mugged on the street for It! I just send you a PM with my details.. looking forward to the pics!
  10. it specifies this coming Monday (Japan time obviously) but will it be 4pm again like previous pre-order openings?
  11. Yeah shipping to Australia is always more expensive on average.. im not really fussed too much about the postage. Im so excited about actually getting the Zero-D that it makes me not care! I think I can speak for all of us here when I say I am looking forward to seeing your photos! You are pretty lucky you could pick it up so soon! If they post mine before the end of this week I should see it by the end of next week at the latest.
  12. im ready for the madness once again!
  13. well that sure makes me feel a lot better.. not!
  14. is that just for a single one? I paid about ¥16,000 for EMS for my three..
  15. Oh yeah!!! The process has begun! Just got an email from NY that they are now processing my order for shipment!!! Woo!
  16. A full DYRL Skull Squadron is pretty sweet to have! Hope you find a Kakizaki soon!
  17. your work is impressive! cant wait to see more!
  18. geez those things are huge!!!
  19. IXTL was right I think.. release date is definitely the 28th..
  20. a few more days to go then..
  21. Nice work Skull Leader! I had one of these kits but just couldn't bring myself to build it..
  22. That looks fantastic Ryuji! As previously mentioned, the color really works very well for it! Impressive work!
  23. awesome! Dinobots! great pics mate!
  24. some of the pre order sites happen to specify that particular date.. I dont know if it's accurate or not but im still hopeful and excited!
  25. Release date is the 25th yeah!? Only 1 day to go then! =D
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