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Everything posted by spanner

  1. after reading what you just said, I glanced over at my Nora 51 and yes you can see influences from many real life fighter jets but I think thats pretty much common with all the Valks to be honest. With the SV-51 her nose section is very Sukhoi Flanker, her nose gear is typical Russian setup, her main wings have very little sweep angle and long hump like spine behind the cockpit section both are similar to an F-18.
  2. yes what he said! the GBP parts on their own are always stupidly expensive. But they would still be fine to buy if you can find one at a reasonable price. The upcoming Arcadia bundle sets will be fairly reasonably priced so if you are happy to wait then go for one of them. You risk buying the GBP stand alone parts at more than the Arcadia set will sell for..
  3. NY are taking their sweet @r53 time "processing" my order for shipment.. I expect a shipping notice tomorrow please and thank you NY.
  4. Great! I see these are available! my son now has a Alto 171 with broken shoulders and it would be nice to have it fixed up!
  5. looking great so far! be sure to post up more progress pics! will be interesting to see how those decals turned out.
  6. They all look fantastic!! nice work!
  7. oh you sold it!? so your new project will be slightly bigger than this one yes? if I have my calculations right..
  8. you should post up pics of your progress! im seriously considering buying one but its the actually build and paint process which has got me worries.. best place to put this so your 6yo wont or cant touch is very far away!
  9. im hoping mine will arrive during this coming week and I'll try take some decent shots of it. Very eager to try out transforming it!
  10. I would have to agree there! a Spartan in Olive drab would be very nice! Was never much a fan of the Defender but I didn't mind the Phalanx so much.. a Monster in 1/60 scale would be of truly epic proportions but yeah its pretty clear that we will never get this. let alone be able to afford it if they actually did build one!
  11. I don't think its very fair to relate a Valkyrie to a transformer.. especially over some winglets.. certain elements are always going to be visible in other modes after transformation.. I don't think it as a problem seeing that Valkyrie's do this considerably better than most if not all transformers and that the basis of a Valkyrie is that its a fighter jet to begin with and the other two modes are somewhat complimentary. It would be extremely difficult to engineer a Valkyrie so not to have elements of each mode visible in others but in saying that with some of the later model Valkyrie variants they have been able cut down on the certain visible elements of each other mode a little better but this has resulted in far more complicated transformation processes. Then it begins to snowball.. the more elaborate the transformation, the more complicated it is to engineer, the more engineering it requires results in more cost. Then the manufacturer makes compromises and the Valkyrie toy becomes less faithful to the anime and the fans and collectors get emotional over it. For example the VF-1 in battroid you can clearly see the fighter mode elements such as the cockpit, the mid upper section of fuselage, jet intakes and from behind you can see the wings. If you only ever saw a VF-1 in battroid to begin with you could quite easily paint a picture in your head what it more or less looks like in fighter mode. Looking at a 19 and 25 for example, you no longer can see the cockpit section and more of the fuselage sections are hidden or tucked away in less visible areas. The lower winglets of the 25 to tuck away which is a nice feature as it would probably look silly for them sticking out due to their larger size compared to the small winglets on the VF-1 legs. I would say if you had only seen a 19 or 25 in battroid mode it would be a lot harder to imagine what they would look like in fighter mode. Though I do see your point that a fighter should look like a fighter and battroid should look like a robot war machine. Of course some Valks do this better than others but personally I do like the visible fighter bits in VF-1 battroid! Kinda serves as a reminder of what it started out as and looks simple and effective. The VF-11 is quite similar to this. I can see some Russian-esque features in the 25 yes, and the 51 looks clearly of Russian influence no doubt! I think once you get your hands on a few renewal 25 im more than sure you will appreciate them a whole lot more! Those VF100 toys aren't really a good thing to reference from..
  12. maybe I'll get a Defender if I find one cheap. its a shame they never made a Phalanx or the Spartan.. The Robotech toy line had most of them but hey all sucked..
  13. this thread has been quiet for a little while so I thought I'd wake it up again.. loving my recently acquired Tomahawk Destroid! Looks totally bad ass! never thought I'd have any of these.. now I can't imagine not having it!
  14. hehe! shows the superior performance of the 19 if Guld had to use HP mode more often.. Well actually I don't know if that is the case but I'd certainly like to think so!
  15. the wings on the YF-21 fold down like the North Amercian XB-70.. I wonder if the same principal of compression lift applies to the YF-21!?!?
  16. I wonder if Mr K is actually from the future and the whole Macross story actually did happen in some way or another! its just too much of a coincidence how good the Valkyrie happen to be! The man is brilliant but something just doesn't add up..
  17. has anyone confirmed that the tanks do come off yet? haven't seen any pics about it.. That photo is quite impressive yes! Looks like he has no room to display anything! Nice collection! He also has a nice little collection of Star Trek ship too! yes im somewhat of a Trekkie!
  18. hehe! i know you know but I thought I would still explain for the guys who don't.. which wings are you referring to? I love the whole design of the VF-25! I'll admit when I first started watching Frontier I wasn't so sure about to begin with but after a handful of episodes in I really started to love it! Although they are hugely different to a VF-1 you can still see a few points of influence in the design which I think was a nice touch. But when they released the v1 VF-25 bunch I wasn't so impressed.. to many clearly identifiable points that were inaccurate to the anime which really put me off.. actually im glad I wasn't collecting back then when they released the originals as I was preoccupied with my motorcycle racing and I highly doubt I would have bought any anyways.. then again I did buy a whole bunch of v1 VF-1's and they were pretty terrible too.. But the VF-1 is and has always been my favorite as I grew up with the original Macross which helped me push aside the v1's short comings. But then I sold off everything to go racing! hehe!
  19. well there's proof that a Macross fighter design is aerodynamically competent! ok it does look a little shaky in some spots but is a little windy and its not flying particularly fast which can make it more susceptible to rough air. either way that looked fantastic!
  20. yes the landing gear are different between the two versions but you can easily tell from the entire body of the thing.. they may look similar from a relative distance away but up close its a no brainer!
  21. its a renewal.. I wouldn't have taken it if it was a v1.. those things are gross.. nahh sorry bro.. you'd have to hit up the man himself (Scream Man) for that!
  22. I haven't ever had any problems ordering stuff through NY.. I do prefer how they give you the option to pay up front including postage!
  23. ok here are some pics! it has been brush painted on but I really like that as it gives it a real "out in the field" weathered look! Along with his other Skull repaints that we've seen already, Scream Man is pretty good at this! Im not keeping this 25 for myself though.. this is going to my son.
  24. Absolutely! I got to briefly handle some super floppy Zero's yesterday and now I'm even more curious seeing how tight and crisp the Zero-D will be! For heavens sake NY please ship my order already!!
  25. Same situation here.. :/
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