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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Hehe! I think there is some old school in all of us somewhere but yeah I do know what you are saying about the shiny finish. It does take away a little from the look. Yamato / Arcadia seem to have got the surface finish done better for most of their stuff but the VF-19F,S,P & Kai are all a bit too shiny also. Have to agree! Hence Max & Milia's blue & red finish.. A mate of mine commented on the fact that most if not all the Valkyrie looked unrealistic due to the fact they don't look stealthy like the more modern fighters of today for example the F22, F35, SU-50 etc.. Obviously in the future (as per the Macross universe is concerned) detection and tracking has become so advanced that it made stealth designs obsolete as there was pretty much no way to hide.
  2. I'll admit I was a little unsure about the 25 series Valk's when I first saw them in Frontier but they quickly grew on me and have really liked them ever since! To me they have always come across as a somewhat "back to basics" design, I can see the VF-1 influence but they are still very unique and have many different transformation elements compared to the VF-1. Yes the 19 & 21 did redefine typical Valkyrie design and were considerably more complex in their appearance and transformation and although in someways it may seem that the 25 was a step backwards, maybe with the advancing technology (as per the Macross universe & timeline) it allowed the designers to revert back to a simpler platform and still achieve and surpass the performance of previous Valkyrie types. Of course this is only my opinion and not fact..
  3. this is impressive! all the weight off to one side pretty much completely off the stand base and it still resists tipping over!
  4. don't know how I missed this post.. Awesome pickups no3ljm!
  5. Love them all pretty much equally but if I had to chose one it has to be my TV Hikaru VF-1J!
  6. Nice!! Well done on your purchase! Which panel keeps coming off? the only pieces I assume both of which are meant to be removable.. are either the shield or the filler piece which inserts on top in fighter mode. Interesting to see which part you are talking about! Of all my 19 fleet, none have bits that fall off.
  7. I find it disturbing..
  8. one would like to think so.. I don't know for sure but maybe the 25G weren't as hot sellers as the others perhaps?
  9. seems a bit silly to spend 35k on an opened/box damaged item when they are still available at NY for 31,800..
  10. Nice!! Tell me did your bank manager call you afterwards!?
  11. I love the 19 battroid mode! has a tough look and a fat stance! love it! the 11 battroid is good and I don't mind the 25 battroid mode at all actually! Though I just don't particularly care for those covers on the feet..
  12. spanner

    Yamato VF-19P

    just MEGA!
  13. The 22's fighter mode does look pretty sleek eh! its the only reason why I have them! I guess gerwalk is ok but I don't like its battroid mode at all.. Its legs look too skinny and I hate that head design.. looks like its wearing a hoodie! And I wasn't ever going to get a Gamlin but the one Scream Man gave me is friggin sweet as and I love it!
  14. its funny how tastes can vary from person to person eh! Personally I love my TV Max & Kaki! The more plain paint jobs I think look great! Even my TV Hikaru VF-1J which has an even more plain paint job (with only the red stripes) is my all time favorite Macross Valkyrie!
  15. these look mighty impressive! modelling looks amazing!
  16. ahhh my eyes! it hurts! take it away!
  17. haven't heard anything about a 25G re-issue.. I had hoped it would have happened already but I gave in waiting and bought a couple for myself and my son which were both expensive..
  18. so here's the pic! arrived this afternoon! next day delivery totally rocks! and so does raptormesh! thanks again buddy!
  19. spanner

    Yamato VF-19P

    +1 It's not a lot extra to pay but definitely worth it.
  20. spanner

    Yamato VF-19P

    Thats great! Congrats! I have no doubt that you will!
  21. spanner

    Yamato VF-19P

    The whole wing root are different between F/S to P. I'll have to agree I much prefer the P wings over the others..
  22. Buying Vlakyrie's is just the best feeling eh! =D
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