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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! not yet but soon! yes they have been a right prick to track down! I had seen them available a few times on the Japan Auction sites but they were always asking frightening money for them! Like I said they weren't cheap by any stretch of the imagination but still not too bad either! Heck its only money and it always comes round again and im more than happy with the money I spent! Reeeeaaalllyyy looking forward to getting them! Estimated delivery is about two weeks away though..
  2. Love em both! if I had to choose one it'd definitely be the P! The sound booster thing for Basara's 19 looks kinda silly..
  3. I found them on the Japan Auctions.. Super easy!
  4. Thanks guys! Im so excited that i finaly got them! Just cant wait to get them and put them on display! Its felt like there has been a hole in my collection thats finally been filled! and I'll have a VT-1 again which will be awesome!
  5. Hey guys! I made some BIG purchases over the weekend! Finally found another VT-1 to replace the one I so stupidly let go previously.. AND I also managed to score both Max & Milia's VF-1J!!! These two have got to be the holy grail of Valkyrie and I physically cannot describe the emotions that are running through me right now as I have been on the hunt for both Max & Milia for a considerable amount of time now.. Hopefully I will see them all in a couple of weeks which im sure will be a long and painful wait! Yes they were by no means cheap but on the other hand I think I got them at a fairly reasonable price considering how rare they are and what the price they demand! All brand new items too! Can't wait! So this pretty much completes my VF-1 collection apart from a few weathering editions which I probably won't bother with.. I know there is a possibility that Arcadia may (or then again may not) re-issue them but at this stage its still a complete unknown and I think I would prefer to have a set of Yamato originals.. Regardless im still very content with my purchases!
  6. yes that's very odd.. after seeing yours broken I had a quick look at the one I have shifted to battroid and although they are reasonably stiff to pull out, they don't show any signs of trouble lurking.. or that I can tell anyways.. I don't think I will be messing about with it too much now especially!
  7. oh crap! that's rather unfortunate. Sorry to see that.. I take it this happened whilst man handling it for a video review?
  8. Gakken! did you win the lotto or something!? hehe! yet another fine addition to your collection!
  9. to be honest I never even though of that! But now that you mention it, its quite clear to see! I do wonder if that was his actual intention when drawing the picture!? not being much of an art critic myself, I hadn't noticed it either...
  10. Awesome pics Hal! Loving the Milia between the sheets shot!
  11. Really!?!? Your's!? Holy cow!!! im not jealous at all... NOT!!! Looks friggin sweet!! well done!
  12. hehe! a bit of self promotion is always a good thing! excellent idea too!
  13. Awesome collection Benson13! Can't wait to see your photos!
  14. Thanks mate! I hope so to! And yes its very cool that he's into Macross as much as he is!
  15. amazing build up! you are a master at this sir! looking forward to seeing more!
  16. if he keeps it up as just a hobby then I think that would be great and he won't lose his ability.. I am the same, I was great at drawing as a kid but the general progression of life and other interests saw it fade away. I can still draw quite well but im just too lazy. I use to build and paint up a lot of models too but now the whole idea kinda scares me and im not sure I could stick with it if I actually start something.. My parents didn't really ever encourage me with any of my childhood hobbies.. for instance I loved Lego but my dad rather disliked it and was more a Mechano person. He tried to push me into it but it just never clicked and only made me dislike it more. But on the other hand my dad being big into motorsports and did his fare share of racing did encourage me into Go kart racing which I loved! It only lasted a few years before it got prohibitively expensive as we got faster and we even won a few races! My mum on the other hand hated the racing and did her best to discourage it. So there was always conflicts of interest in my youth.. So if my son wants to pursue something I will be there to support him, if not then I won't push at all. Its his life and he's the one who needs to be happy with it.
  17. thank goodness for that!
  18. my only real beef with the 21 & 22, the 22 in particular is the cockpit canopy.. it could have been made to look a little more conventional. The 21 was a prototype testing new and advanced technologies so its odd canopy design is excusable and to be honest I rather like it but the 22 just looks like an after thought.. should have been more like in this picture.
  19. yikes! I know these things are notorious for breakage but yeah no matter what you repair it seems they just want to break again some place else!? The 171 Scream Man gave me has had good shoulders fitted to it but I haven't checked too many of the other joints for issues.. Makes me think that I dare not touch it too much as it might turn to dust on me! But don't they look a lot better all beefed up with the armor parts eh! It would have been nice to be able to stow that huge cannon some where else whilst in battroid mode though.. unless you can and im not aware!?
  20. Nice addition mate! So they are coming thick and fast! What you gonna get next? I know the frustration of the postal service all too well.. Australia Post can be right dicks at times and the owner of our local post office is a grumpy old fart who has no idea about the concept of customer service. Quite shocking actually!
  21. she's a true beauty thats for sure! I think I will definitely apply the skull squadron decals at some stage too! They look great! Besides we never saw a VF-4 as a CF version as far as I remember.. oh and your tail fins are sticking out.. just say'n. Im surprised and impressed to see a v.1 on the list! It must have some strong sentimental value attached to it.. Personally I am glad I let all mine go but each to their own I guess! I have to say those two customs look great! It would have been nice to see other color schemes on the 21 & 22 especially a CF variant.. Definitely the best of the 21 & 22 lot for sure! And that's a great photo too! looks super sleek! I guess its like owning a good car that does everything you want and need and does it well and gives you the satisfaction you expect! Love the paint scheme too! simple but extremely effective! I really think more VF-1 should have been based around colors like this. Looks tops!
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