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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Guys its finally home! Will post a pic on the display thread! Looks friggin awesome! Lancelot has done a superb job! *edit* Bugger it I'll also post up a pic of it here too! So what do you think Kurisama!? Looks friggin sweet eh!
  2. its like its missing the v2 VF-1 knee cap piece!
  3. Yeah those landing gear don't look so good eh.. hopefully this is only an earlier prototype and the release version will be revised! Although landing gear aside it does look quite respectable in all three modes! Lets hope they do release the SAP along side it! Might have to go watch M2LA again!
  4. They look very cool! I really loved Mechwarrior! Especially when they re-released MW2 in 3DFX! ahhh the good old days! Its a shame they didn't sell them as completed models.. I no longer have the time, patience and mental capacity to build model kits anymore..
  5. that looks alright I guess but we'll have to wait to see how good the final product is like..
  6. yes definitely looks a lot smoother, sleeker and more advanced than the others! Even more so than the newer YF-30! And one little detail I really like about the 27 is when you remove the engine intake covers there are no visible turbine fans! I never did bother with the Galia set and Alto's 25 is the only one I didn't buy the Supers for either. Couldn't justify the cost of the parts when there are significantly more than the Valk itself! Luca's parts and ghost set being the only exception as there was physically more included with them.
  7. wow! I have never actually seen the grey goggle stand alone issue VF-1J! I thought they only came with the GBP parts..?
  8. I didn't notice it the first time but looking at this picture again its funny how only one of the larger landing gear doors has yellowed and the other has not.. I wonder if its due to errors when mixing up the materials before casting!? Not very good Q.C. Yamato.. Even if you carefully brush painted over the yellowed parts im sure it would still look ok. And yeah the Hasegawa decals should work fine!
  9. we should start up a new thread! "which VF-1 will look the bollocks with GBP parts" hehe! im still thinking a TV Brownie is gonna look sweet as all kitted up!
  10. ahh!
  11. looks friggin awesome! I love it!
  12. spanner

    Old TV QRau

    looks mega! love the original colors!
  13. hmmm.. you know I was thinking the very same thing! definitely going to be worth a try! I currently have my Cav all dressed up in SS parts and it looks bad ass!
  14. well you never know.. funny stuff sometimes happens! Im not fussed about the visor color either way as I have two sets coming and im going to be displaying both VF-1J bare.. one in fighter and other other in Gerwalk. Seeing I already have a VF-1J loaded up with the GBP parts im going to fit the new GBP parts to other VF-1 types I have already. Can't wait!
  15. Yep im definitely in for at least 20. That should cover all the VF-1 i currently have displayed in Battroid and Gerwalk.. Maybe even more so it gives me some flexibility if i switch modes of a few others. ok so at $9 each then 3x for $21 which makes them $7 each, i assume the discount will increase again with mass multiples!? say 25x $5 each!? Hehe! Lets get this ball rolling eh! =D
  16. Those two that are available at HKC are both v2 or greater Yamato and Arcadia releases making them basically the same apart from the obvious visual differences such as paint scheme and head unit. If you select speedpost you should get them within a week or two max. JVM is right though.. no toy can replicate the actual transformation. It can only get somewhat close in basic terms but the rest is done with anime magic! So cheating physics will be necessary!
  17. oh yeah that's right! I wasn't doubting it, I just totally forgot! geez I really need to watch the series again!
  18. I was doing a few measurements but I reckon 1/24 scale would be friggin awesome! That would make the VF-1 around 60cm long in fighter mode! At that size it could easily have all moving surfaces! Apart from what the 1/48 scale Valks already had* they could include rudders, ailerons*, flaps*, air brake*, leading edge slats, removable access / service panels, removable nose cone* with radome*, 3 hard points per wing that rotate with the variable wing sweep, proper high detailed landing gear with suspension, articulated pilot as you mentioned, LED lights (for cockpit, navigation lights & head unit visor), optional damaged parts, photo etched parts as you mentioned, full tampo printing with additional optional water slide decals.. and many more! The pilot idea is awesome! im sure they could make a small figure with arm, upper leg and knee joints at least! A head mounted no a small ball joint tipped neck so it can be positioned around.. the possibilities are endless! Like I said it it were to cost a grand then I'd happily pay that! They could make 3 different variants of course! an "A" "J" & "S" so there is one for everyone's taste!
  19. Ahh cool there you go! Thought amiami had apready order stopped.. id jump on that for sure!
  20. @derex.. the RVF sure is a lovely bird eh! Great pics of your stuff!
  21. You know what? After some more thought im still dreaming of a monster scale VF-1 at least 1:32 or larger! And if it cost a grand or two I DONT CARE! I just want it! Just imagine the amount of detail they could apply to it! Makes my di@#... errr I mean mouth water!
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