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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Great purchase Gakken! Definitely a fine addition to your collection! The low vis version has to be my fav Roy of the bunch!
  2. an aggressive Gerwalk pose! looks mega! nice pic Yeti!
  3. so its pretty much a case of.. NY to customer.. tough luck. I have always had no issues with NY up till my very most recent transaction with them.. nothing serious and it got sorted out but still surprising.
  4. indeed it is. Very early on when I restarted my collection I remember seeing Max & Milia's VF-1J still selling for around $300ish each region but that was already double what I had intended to cap each Valk purchase at so I put buying them aside.. Big mistake as it turned out.
  5. spanner

    Macross figures

    These two lovely ladies arrived earlier in the week! I can also say they are a little step up in build and finish quality compared to some of the other similarly sized Ranka and Sheryl figures I have which is nice!
  6. Its only a very small list eh.. hope it continues to grow!
  7. I love the TV Kaki's so much I got 3 of em! LOL!
  8. Great additions to an already fine collection of Valks Saburo! Congrats especially finding them all unopened! Exactly the way you want it! I think I speak for everyone here when I say.. cant wait to see photos!
  9. The VF-4 was definitely a very significant piece especially considering the happenings on or around its release.. and generally speaking its probably the finest most complex Valkyrie ever built so far by either Yamato-Arcadia & Bandai.. Its certainly a very beautiful looking Valkyrie in fighter mode! Probably the best overall actually! but personally I feel its let down by its other modes.. Not at the fault of the toy itself, but more so what it was modeled from in the anime which in some ways seemed like a heavily compromised design resulting in strange looking alternate modes. Like it was only ever intended to be seen in fighter mode and the other modes designs came after once needed. I have always felt that the more you transform it, the worse it gets. Still it was a very worthy toy and definitely worth a lot more than its original rrp.. but is it worth up to or beyond $1000 which seems to be the common prices going for these days.. I think not. I paid a healthy $550 (aud) for mine nearly 3 years ago so they were super expensive even back then and maybe just maybe I would have gotten a second one but when the prices just kept climbing it simply became just too much to justify. Will they ever re-release the VF-4 under the Arcadia banner!? a good deal of folks would certainly hope so I'd imagine but my deep down gut feeling is no. Well at least not any time soon! But hey I could be wrong!
  10. You see it looks awesome eh!
  11. all 3 of mine are pretty much exactly like this.. the factory must be leaning to one side me thinks!?
  12. just for sheer curiosity reasons but has anyone actually seen photos of the production line for either Yamato / Arcadia VF-1 Valkyrie!?
  13. I also hope we see a proper high detail 1/8'ish scale figure of Ishtar at some stage too! She is quite lovely especially in her skimpy outfit! yum!
  14. I wonder if Hibiki's civilian Valkyrie is a possibility!? I rather liked that thing actually!
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi-Plastic(e)R.. as in "more" plastic.. yeah sorry I'll shut up now.
  16. Looks great Hal! Funny enough the more I see the Tornado parts the more im liking them.. will I ever get a set? Hmmm not so sure yet.. And you can never get enough Ranka's! I have another on her way!
  17. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Those close up pics of the Monster look great! Pretty certain it'll definitely be the only one I get.
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! right.. not any time soon I'd say!
  19. looks like all the tax refunds is going to a good cause!
  20. dang that looks good!! can't wait to get it!
  21. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    probably the cancellation! hehe! joking of course..
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