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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! cool casual pose he has there! they are terribly distracting aren't they! nice pickup! congrats!
  2. I really liked Interstellar! slow but good. though some of the time / space mechanics I thought they took to extreme a bit..
  3. Tron 2.0 was quite a disappointment.. hopefully this will be better! though nothing will EVER best the original movie! +1 for Olivia Wilde to star in it too!
  4. watching the trailers it kinda looks like it follows the theme of the first movie.. park opens, crazy dino's get out and wreak havoc, everyone tries to escape.. etc etc.. still it looks ok so I'll probably go see it.
  5. This looks quite good actually! will definitely go see it when it hits!
  6. same here.. but then I just pre-ordered it! I like her cos she's cute with a kinda sexy pose without looking slurmty..
  7. This looks pretty good! And Alicia Vikander is a total babe!
  8. this looks quite interesting! might have to read the books!
  9. I really loved the first two movies but I just don't know what to make of this.. hope it turns out better than it looks going by the previews of course.
  10. so will a live action Macross or Robotech movie actually ever happen? Im kinda surprised that after all these years no one has dipped their toes into it!? We've have 4 too many Transformers movies already so what's the delay!?
  11. took my son to see this and I'll admit it wasn't so bad.. actually a little better than I had expected.
  12. hahaha! exactly! I use to watch Dexter.. is it still running or finished?
  13. hehe! I think you're right!
  14. Looks pretty cool! silly question as I've never had or experienced one of these.. do the 4 cannons stow away in the other modes or you gotta remove them for transformation?
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    wtf!?!? just curious.. what was the other product?
  16. now you guys are just making fun of me..
  17. @Saburo.. hang on didn't you have a Grimlock also?
  18. those reaction warheads and missile pods looks friggin sweet as! dang it I can't wait to see this thing finished! I wish I had the skill and patience to do this!
  19. Awesome shots mate!!! Dinobots are sick!!!
  20. even at 5000yen its still as much as 3 flightpose stands.. I think I have reached my limit with them and want to try something else.. The Yeti stand is looking like the best option so far. Although its going to be a little more pricey in order to get what I want for how many Valks I want to display on them.
  21. personally I have always thought the VF-1 in many ways does look more advanced than the Zero.. definitely a much sleeker design. The long time trend with fighters has been to grown in size and the Zero being more of a smoothed over with overtechnolodgy design meant it kept much of the size of previous generations fighters.. Where as the VF-1 being a whole new fighter designed from the ground up making more use of overtechnolodgy meant it could be smaller, more compact and lighter yet provide more performance and pack a bigger punch than anything before it! Bigger doesn't always mean better.. I know the Valkyrie to follow the VF-1 were all larger in size but its due to the advent of bigger much more powerful engines and greater ordinance and firepower requirements. Well this is how I have always interpreted it as..
  22. do they have any decent range of display adjustability? im just weighing up some new display options and not sure what to get..
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