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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Thats a great photo Sab!
  2. That looks mega!! loving those twin strike cannons! I think I need to go find some more super & strike sets so I can do this also!
  3. Whoa!?!? 14! Hehe! Thats either a photoshopped image or you are just nuts! (Or obsessed) So which one is yours!?
  4. You sir have a 3D printer so fire away!!
  5. that would be nice although I don't mind the canopy size that they originally came with.. Many of the 1D model kits look kinda goofy with the extended cockpit canopy.. Im not sure that anyone has ever actually got it 100% correct. And besides I doubt they would go about making a new mold just to correct that specifically and I don't think that many people would care anyways..
  6. That would be friggin awesome!!
  7. Hehe! Yeah was just a quick doodle on my Note.. the more i think about the poseable hand the more im liking it! It would be interesting to test the idea!
  8. Hehe! Rubberized and poseable with firm grasping fingers!?
  9. Elint Seekers are a beautiful thing! Lovely photos once again Saburo!
  10. @spiff.. that's some great action poses! You're right that 171 looks like a born gymnast! very flexible! I don't dare try that on my old CF171 in fear it will fall to bits or turn to dust! @sixtybucks.. congrats on your first ever Macross purchase! and you certainly chose a fine specimen to kick it all off with! Love those battroid pose shots! Especially that first shot! I was just having a giggle to myself about your hand comment.. imagine having a display stand that actually is a mechanical rubberized hand that you can manipulate to hold things just like a normal hand! It would be a little like "Thing" from the Addams Family! I reckon it would be cool! im sure its already been done though..
  11. then again.. I might just stick to the one only. I was just flicking through the photos on previous pages and im not sure im liking the look of the Bandai 19 in Battroid mode compared to the Arcadia version. Even though I don't display the Arcadia in Battroid anyways.. I was thinking of re-arranging my display to have a shelf dedicated to Isamu only Valks all in a fighter mode formation. I'd imagine it would be difficult enough to keep the toy as close to the anime / line art without making too many compromises along the way. So each manufacturer would have their own approach / interpretation as to how to go about it for the best overall result / cost to manufacture. Having a quick look at photos of both brands versions the Arcadia does look a lot more sleek & smooth in each mode giving it more of a softer appearance and the Bandai looks a lot more mechanical.. Im still more keen towards the (Yamato) Arcadia way of doing things but both companies do what they do very well. So here's hoping that its only a worn out prototype and not how the final product will be like..
  12. I already have 3 on pre-order but only one of them is mine as one is for my son, and the other for someone else.. Im now considering ordering a 4th so I can have one each displayed in fighter and battroid. The latest lot of pics posted is making it very tempting! ahhh decisions decisions..
  13. The YF-30 certainly are a beautiful thing aren't they! I have three of them, one in each mode and they look fantastic on display! @Zonnet.. what you paid on ebay is a very reasonable price especially for free postage! Nice find! Well done!
  14. ohhh! so only two weeks away!
  15. awww thats cute! too small though.. need a 1/60 lego Monster!
  16. The forward canards are a different design to the Arcadia unit.. they don't mount perfectly flush against the forward fuselage and have little black painted areas at the very forward tips. And their pivot point is further forward too. Interesting.. I wonder if that was a Bandai detail or whether its true to the anime and was an Advance only design detail?
  17. in that shot aside from the head you pretty much couldn't tell that there is a 30th AE Valk in under all that bulkiness! Nice shot of Valks Viiof!
  18. Hmmm unless what you tried to purchase is not available but incorrectly marked as in stock which might be causing the issue? Myself I have never had any issues buying from NY..
  19. Hehe! And then I'll just throw on my one piece leather motorcycle suit too! Complete overkill for a push bike!; )
  20. hopefully the final version locks together a little better than shown in those last photos.. although it looks as if it was hastily transformed for display. That double hinged nose gear is an interesting approach too! Never seen that in another Valkyrie before! They must have been pressed for internal space having to do that I'd imagine. That would indicate a very different design and construction of this plane compared to the Yamato/Arcadia version. Still the plane looks fantastic! Loving the amount of tampo too!
  21. true true but its a right shame that the standard issue Bandia stand sucks a fat one.. Will have to order me some more FP stands or come up with a different solution to displaying it. I don't think I want to have it sitting on its landing gear. Maybe I'll hang it up on fishing line!?
  22. as cool as this may be, I doubt I would be comfortable being seen riding it..
  23. yeah true.. a lot of the paint scheme will be covered up anyways.. still should be interesting to see one all geared up in GBP's! Also im glad they left off the "1" and "101" markings. Makes fitting them on to other variants seem more realistic.
  24. The gun pod stow angle does suck but its the very same problem with the Arcadia 19.. and a few other Valks suffer from this issue also. Im sure they could have devised a mechanism so the gun stock articulates or can be re-positioned (similar to how the the VF-1 gun pods stock folds away) so it would sit on a more correct angle. Can't remember which other Valks gun pod stock angle can be shifted? Still definitely looking forward to getting these in a month or so..
  25. I have to agree somewhat.. The 29 is a great bird and my appreciation for them has risen considerably but I feel there could be better paint schemes done for them than these. As much as I love Ranka and like Sheryl I just don't get these art paint schemes and I doubt they would fit in nicely with my current displays. Although I'd probably still take them for free but struggle to display them.
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