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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Oh come on Alldarker give the 30th AE a chance! Go and open her up and i know you'll like it! I'm telling you it certainly does grow on you!
  2. Mommar just buy both of them! You know you want to!
  3. Hate can be a powerful word and I don't often feel that I truly really hate anything but the high speed mode is one of the very few exceptions. I don't even think that it properly fits in with the whole Valkyrie concept and comes across as a carelessly processed afterthought. But if you said it was a stow position for carrier based deployment then yeah I could see it work quite well even if no one would actually ever display their toy in positively ugly configuration. Given the compromises to the functionality of the toy as a result then it clearly could have been left out of the final product. And besides the lack of those few components involved to facilitate that function in the final design would have been a welcomed absence and just one less thing to break, wear out and become lose or what have you. Ok so it may be anime accurate to incorporate that particular mode but even the animators should have known better as it plain and simply looks total crap.. I have always kept my Arcadia 19 in fighter mode the whole time I've owned it and always found that I could never get both wings to sit in the very same position to each other and the problem was only made worse when having any ordnance fitted. Im curious whether or not the physical components could be removed to delete the function? Maybe some one could 3D print up some new parts to replace?
  4. From that last photo at the very least it does look like its a fair bit larger than the 30 sitting next to it, given the camera angle of course. Seeing that the 19 is quite a bit more of a hefty bird than others I was a little concerned that Bandai would mess about with the toys final proportions and that it would end up incorrectly sized to around their current line of Valkyrie (25,27,29 in particular) but in that photo it does look like it has a considerable or noticeable size difference happening. I am super keen to line it up side by side to the Yamato & Arcadia 19 lot and see how much different they really are. And from the transformation video it does give the impression that its going to be the most complex built Valkyrie from either manufacturer. I guess we'll just have to wait for the final hands on for all the answers. So anyways the next few days till release will be a long few and to be honest im done with the waiting and just want this thing already. I just hope it lives up to the hope and expectations that people have set for it.
  5. Seeing that they both are more unique designs compared to other Valkyrie you'd really have to get them both! Or you'll always feel like you're missing something.. well thats how i feel about it. I hated not have a Super Ostrich after i let it go..
  6. Looks a little more fiddly to switch modes compared to Yamato Arcadia versions.. still looking forward to getting hands on with it! Loved the game show music!
  7. I have to agree with you there Gunn.. I myself am going to hold off on this one till I see what others think of it hands on.. It does still look a little odd but its still early days and the final version my differ greatly from what we have been allowed to see so far. Not that i have high hopes for this thing but seeing that it is Evo Toys first go at a Valkyrie im not gonna expect the world from them first time round. But in saying that I do hope they do a good job with it and make a solid pleasant toy rather than a slap together pile of junk in order to claim their piece of the market. Only time will tell I guess eh..
  8. I fitted a DYRL VF-1A head to mine to see how it looked and thought it was ok so I left it on! I never really liked the Elint Seeker head.. I'll probably fit the original head back on it to restore it back to how it is meant to be.
  9. Lovely shots Saburo! Almost makes me want to fit the original head unit back on to my one! Hmmm.. I dont recall so.. although mine has the very same canopy as Saburo's so there may have been several issues released!? Maybe a more knowledgeable forum member might know?
  10. LOL! its kinda weird when you see a forum members face when you're used to seeing the screen name only.. maybe it should be a "no face in posts" policy to eliminate the weirdness factor! hehe! jk'ing..
  11. I dont care what would cost what.. i just want it!
  12. Hehe! Starting with the mothership does make a lot of sense when you think about it!
  13. Sadly i don't think so..
  14. an interesting item to start with! Normally you'd start with a Valkyrie but Macross Quarter is still cool! Well done! =)
  15. Fresh Arcadia stock! Great purchases Gwynne!
  16. From NY.. make that 10 days..
  17. my wallet vaporized ages ago..
  18. oh.. well it beats me then.. sorry to hear of your troubles.
  19. Sorry just curious.. where abouts do you live? Im in Sydney Australia and it can get very warm and humid here. I have had mine sitting on pretty much the very same leg winglet area as you had with no issue or even the faintest sign of marking or anything! I have however slightly altered the position of the stalks to now sit elsewhere. Its strange.. I know many people have had quite a few issues with these stands but thankfully I have yet to encounter it. Maybe it comes down to how I control the climate in my place that keeps this issue at bay perhaps!?
  20. most websites still specify the 20th or the end of June..
  21. agreed!
  22. Just went and checked my Arcadia YF-19 which has been sitting on a FP stand pretty much since I got it and there is no paint damage or sticking issues. Also lifted off a few other Valks which are sitting on FP stands and no other issues there either.. @Xigfrid.. what is your climate like? Im thinking the issue may arise from high heat & humidity environments..?
  23. next week or so I think..
  24. Stunning bit of photo work Saburo!! Just reinforces my feeling that Hikaru's TV VF-1J is my all time fav!
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