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Everything posted by spanner

  1. @Noel, yes the pelvic part on mine is the same. Just got delivery notice for the 2nd one which is for my son so I'll check it out this afternoon.
  2. Sorry to hear that.. but yeah sleeping fine thanks!
  3. Different color combos for the GBP parts would be great but they'll never do it.. we'll have to wait for custom repaints to see anything like that.
  4. Anyone else have issues getting either side super booster thing to actually clip on? Had another look at mine last night and just cant figure out why its not wanting to stay on.. its almostloop like one side is molded differently to the other and is causing a resistance and feels tighter when pushing it on. Might have another go at it but im thinking i might have to shave away some plastic from the booster somewhere..
  5. Ahh yes that repaint would be very awesome!! Hehe! yeah had to go have a Gatorade to recover some of my fluids! I have found an issue which is bugging me a bit.. The left side main booster of the super parts just refuses to fit on correctly.. Im not going to continue forcing it so I'll wait till the 4th one arrives and see it fits on that one properly instead, if so then make that it my fighter mode display. Kinda pissed about that actually as every thing else is pretty good. I was able to fiddle with the Valk a bit and managed to get some of the gappy joints to fit together a little better. I guess it won't matter now if its going to be displayed in Battroid..
  6. Well the first of three (now 4! ) finally arrived today! I have to say im very impressed! More impressed than I thought I was going to be! The surface details are really nice! The panel lining is perfectly balanced both subtle yet defined. The tampo ghoa!!! The tampo is just fantastic! Really puts Yamato & Arcadia's efforts to shame! The pilot figure is really well crafted too and probably the best of any scale Macross Valkyrie produced to date! The Arcadia VF-0D pilots were good but this new Bandai pilot is better! I'll have to admit as much is my dislike for the standard issue Bandai stands that it does sit really well on this stand compared to other Bandai Valks. So I might just leave it on there for the time being rather than have it sitting on its landing gear which are somewhat of a let down compared the Arcadia's gear.. Size does feel a little smaller and considerably less bulky than the Arcadia 19 and it doesn't seem to lock together as well either. Some spots being a lot more noticeable than others as shown in the photos. But its holds it shape together well in fighter which is the key thing as I most likely wont be shifting modes with this one. I'll wait till I get my hands on anther copy which I swiftly went ahead and ordered another from Nippon-Yasan just minutes after opening the box of this one! Yes I know its a more expensive now than it was initially but I just don't care as I must have another to display in Battroid! I do feel that the overall shape of the Arcadia 19 is a little more pleasing mostly due to the fact that its bulkiness feels a closer match to the anime & line art but this is a VF and not a YF so who knows things could have been revised for the final production version of which Isamu has no doubt bastardized to suit is personal preferences and needs! Overall im very satisfied with Bandai's efforts with this Valkyrie and I can only recommend those who have not yet decided on a purchase to drop everything and go buy one and don't be too fussed about paying a little extra than it was to start with. Trust me you'll love it! Here are some photos!
  7. Not a fan of the forward opening canopy at all.. i think I've only ever opened it once on my YF-19 to fit the pilot figure in.. the F-35 JSF does the same i think.. icky
  8. Nice figures eggy99! Loving that Asuna Knights figure!! Wouldn't mind her in my collection!
  9. I'm still considering getting a 4th (2nd one for myself) but will see what i think of it when i get home from work tonight.. Its good to know NY still offering them. I dont mind paying the higher post release price if i feel the Valk is worth it.
  10. Oh absolutely! hehe!
  11. Nice lot Garfinkel! I have been umming and ahhing getting that very Klan figure its just her huge boobs which put me off a bit.. not that i dont like those parts of the female anatomy, its just hers look disproportionate to the rest of her body.. maybe i will still get her? She still looks pretty hot as!
  12. Just got final delivery confirmation for my VF19! Well of course i get the first one that arrives! LOL! Cant wait to get home and see it! Sweeeeeeeeet!!! one down two to go..
  13. Hehe! Nahh Noel's pics look great! The old school pic looks a little rigid.. like it just crapped its pants! and those extra bits tacked on to the gbp parts look a bit odd and out of place..
  14. hehe! looks like HLJ got a little emotional at me for attempting to buy a 2nd one from them and suspended my account.. sent them an email playing dumb. Hopefully they will lift the suspension. No big loss either way..
  15. awesome photos Anubis! geez I cant wait for mine to arrive!
  16. great photo! but I gotta admit that it looks very weird.. hmmm strangely enough I kinda remember this photo from somewhere..
  17. Hehe! well yes if they were fully transformable then it would be a pretty easy decision to extend the mortgage to buy at least three of em!
  18. that VF-1D kit cockpit canopy does look strangely long don't you think?..
  19. that drone is looking friggin awesome!!
  20. fantastic work!! those super strike parts look amazing!
  21. whoa!!! looking fantastic! thanks for the pics Shukenzero! Hopefully I will have mine tomorrow!
  22. Congrats on your first Valkyrie! Curious, which variant did you get? They certainly are a very well designed toy and extremely pleasant to handle and transform. Like any toy nothing is ever completely perfect and they have their vices for example in the earlier releases suffered from cracking or breaking shoulder joints and improperly locking and fiddly crotch mechanisms but in most cases you learn to live around the issues and the later versions were revised and corrected. The 1/48 came into the scene a few years earlier so in certain aspects aren't quite as polished compared to the later v2 1/60's but the 48's have a charm of their own and although sharing many similarities from a visual point of view they did were different enough to be unique.. especially being a larger scale. Until I first saw a 48 I wouldn't of thought they were as big as they are and the size difference is quite impressive! In fact the size really makes up for many of their short comings such as small hands, too long nose cone when in battroid and the upper torso section looks a little too broad. But this is how they are and many love them that way! Though for me they just don't look quite right so my collection is 100% centered around the v2 1/60 scale toys. Maybe if they released a v2 version of the 1/48 line before the v2 1/60 hit the market then things would have been very different! But I guess in many ways the 1/60 are big enough and are engineered so well they pull of each of their three modes perfectly! I guess Yamato knew this and decided not to continue with or develop further the 48 line. Sadly you have come in to collecting these things at the no so best of times as Yamato now long gone has made many variants of the 1/60 v2 line rare and expensive. There have been a few re-issues by the new company Arcadia as you are most likely aware but they have been slow and far between not to mention a little odd of their choices of what to re-issue.. Some would say they were just testing the waters before jumping right in. But things are slowly creeping back up and more variants will start coming our way. So far the most significant VF-1 they have re-issued is the GBP set but I would say in your situation it would be a very wise choice to pick up! Being a hero valk (Hikaru) with the additional armor parts makes is sound purchase! For what you get its pretty good value as they aren't terribly expensive either. Yes you would be correct that the GBP armor parts do limit the articulation some what but you can still pull off some impressive poses regardless! There have been plenty of photos posted up in here for you to see! Other Valks from Plus, M7 and Zero that Arcadia have renewed or re-issued have so far been quite a bit more expensive and in some cases have generated mixed reactions. We don't yet know what VF-1 variant will be released next but its going to have to be a something a little more interesting than what they have chosen previously bar the GBP set.. Im sure an announcement will be made soon enough so it will be very interesting to see what is coming our way next!
  23. just looking through the toys daily review im loving the amount of surface details on the Bandai! And the back filler piece which neatly tucks away into the shield is a fantastic idea! That's one thing that's always bothered me about supposedly perfect transformation toys is having bits left over or that have to be removed and re-fitted elsewhere.. But this solution is awesome! I bet Arcadia will be bashing their heads against a wall now for not thinking that one up themselves! Also looks like it sits on the Bandai stand at a better angle than other DX Valks do.. still don't like those stands though but it will suffice until I order something else.. much love!
  24. its good to see the pilot figures have slowly evolved into something that actually properly resembles a pilot and not just a painted blob of plastic..
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