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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I was just having a look around your website and noticed there are extra arms you can buy. Are these extra arms (the $9 ones) the same length or shorter than the arm that comes in the DX starter kit? From the picture they look shorter but still hard to tell.
  2. My 2nd one should arrive today so I'll finally have a crack at shifting it to battroid! And then possibly back to fighter mode.. will see how adventurous im feeling at the time! Looking forward to the experience! I did trim the wing root locking tab down a tad and I think its even helped the boosters stay put! Im thinking the stress of forcing that locking tab in might be altering the shape of that whole wing root section even only slightly but enough to cause the boosters not to tab on hard enough. I kinda tested this by fitting the boosters on without the wing roots tabbed in and they both snap on without a hitch! As to whether or not we'll actually see any color variants of this Valk im not so sure.. seeing that its in essence more a specific custom Valk as per Isamu Dyson's modding antics that to me personally it doesn't really make that much sense to release it as someone else's or another squadron's Valkyrie. Don't get me wrong the idea of different paint schemes is nice but as it stands I don't think that this toy in particular really has anything more to offer than it already has being an Isamu variant. All we'll end up is with another bunch of never seen paint variants like the YF-29 and although I do love them too but they aren't anything particularly exciting. Maybe Bandai should start focusing of upping the build quality for what ever new design Valkyrie will be coming from Macross Delta instead.
  3. Thanks for doing that Yeti! So yeah it would seem im still in a tricky place.. the long arm will be too long and the short arm too short.. hmmm is it possible to joint to short arms together so they could pivot for a little more a height adjustment?
  4. Yeti, if you wouldn't mind doing a few measurements for me? I need to know the max height of a setup just like this (with the Bandai VF-19 if available) from the base to the top of the head lasers and with both a long arm and short arm. I am trying to see if I can use the DX starter kit in my Ikea Klingsbo cabinet.. it has a rather low shelf height which is what im concerned about.. Thanks mate!
  5. Best bet these are going to be the next VF-1 to come out of Arcadia.. I don't see them re-issuing Max & Millia any time soon.. But if they do prove me wrong I'll happily meet up with who said otherwise and buy them a beer!
  6. Love the Bandai but the Arcadia has a sexier more curvey figure! ♡
  7. well there you go eh.. I wasn't aware that there was two Yamato releases.. told you someone would know something else! So sadly that makes my Yamato the original with the "1" tampoed and the crappy shoulders.. well I know they are crappy shoulders as its previous owner has done a rebuild repair job on them. Not a bad job too I might add! Thanks SM!
  8. Not a lot actually.. They are pretty much identical. They both have the grey visor, the Arcadia version doesn't come with the "1" tampo printed on the chest armor section as the original Yamato did. I think that's about it really.. Im looking at them both as I write this.. Oh and some have reported that the Arcadia has a sight pinkish tan to the white areas. But I don't really notice that with mine so that might be a manufacturing issue perhaps? Maybe someone else knows or has noticed something else but im stumped.
  9. yeah one side booster doesn't want to stay on so well and pops off if you are not careful when handling it. Kinda irritating but im hoping that when my 2nd one arrives its doesn't have this issue. Im hopeful of this as many others don't seem to have this issue so im wondering if its just a manufacturing issue with a certain batch. Fingers crossed.
  10. Hehe! Yeah distantly resembles it..
  11. Nice shots Troyness! Impressive balancing act!
  12. @mickyg.. A gertroid! hahahaha!!! that's hilarious! but so spot on! Batwalk also works..
  13. @Swoosh awesome pose shots! Cant wait for my 2nd one to arrive and start playing around in battroid!
  14. WARNING! Dead thread resurrection.. I think this is a new record yes? on or about's 11 years, 2 months & 4 days! hey I was bored so I went digging through the ages past.. Its funny to look back at these old member created early VF-30 concept drawings of over a decade ago and then to see what the YF-30 actually came into existence as! These concepts done by forum member Joseph of the 30 being pretty much an evolution of the 19 still look fairly interesting! There are others in the thread too such as a variable destroid which is another interesting idea.. although did someone say Konig Monster!?
  15. yeah I tried for two with CDJ but they wouldn't let me either.. NY let me buy a 2nd but their post release price is a bit higher than most others. Maybe start up another account with your work or someone else address and then give it a whirl!
  16. Which seller is that through? That's quite high even for EMS.. I guess you could pay a tad more for a premium service such as Fedex or DHL.. Do they have any other postage options?
  17. Yeah that is cool how they did that! I guess they wanted to make the series a little more sophisticated than any before it. They certainly did a fine job with Frontier!
  18. Cool! even better still! Much cheaper than NY.. sorry I thought CDJ were out of stock..
  19. Love Luca in supers & ghosts! Still one of my all time favs of the 25 bunch! AND I absolutely love the color! much to others distaste..
  20. yes not so creepy looking but no so nice looking either.. It seems that none of the doll companies can pull off a decent doll version for either of them.. Think I will just stick to the fixed posed statues for now..
  21. They are still available for purchase at a few stores.. Nippon Yasan for example.. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/10446-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-19-advance.html
  22. Nice action pose photos Cyde! well there you go eh! awesome!
  23. I think those dolls are actually looking at me!? I think they want to hurt me!
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