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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Yeah looks pretty tidy (get it? Tide (y).. never mind) but I'd rather take the Percival..
  2. So we'll probably won't be seeing the S till the very end of the year or early next year.. I really don't like these drawn out releases. I know its easier on the wallet for greater lot of people but i still dont like it.
  3. WOW! those pics are fantastic! Looks from awesome! Loving the rich colors! Dang can't wait to get it!
  4. Any ideas when they will open pre orders for S ?
  5. I was going to ge two of these but recently cancelled one. I think one of each the A & S will be enough.. need to keep costs somewhat under control.
  6. You'll probably see yours before i see mine. On average it seems to take that day or two longer to get down here than it does to the USA. And id say generally speaking that more merch is sold to the USA than to most other countries so the freight companies would prioritize the larger volumes to move first. I am rather excited to receiving it though! Then again im always excited to recieve anything Macross!
  7. Id say at least 10,000 to 30,000 the absolute maximum. Any less and they risk not making a decent return and any more they risk them shelf warming.. and when i say "they" i mean the resellers. Bandai would sell/allocate the lot to its distributors and then walk the other way. The risk to Bandai would be resellers refusing to accept them knowing that they might not sell out and be stuck with left over stock that they'll have to heavily discount in order to move. Id also imagine that Bandai would get feedback from its resellers regarding sales patterns and set a manufacturing volume accordingly. I might be wrong about all of it but to me it seems logical.
  8. Yep same for me! Should arrive by Friday hopefully..
  9. Oh! Ok Good to know. Although some places must still be working as NY sent me an email about my order.
  10. Yeah i guess it can be seen as nit picking but as Brand-X said it is in a way false advertising. But i guess most companies do it and its never too far off from the end product so most just either ignore the fact or arent even aware of it. Personally I dont like how the whole Valk feels and holds together when the leg bits are on so it doesn't bother me so much but if i thought otherwise about it and still couldn't match the box art then I'd be a little pissed about it.
  11. Hey thats cool! Yeah finding adequate display space is a struggle. And as good (not to mention cheap) as the Ikeas are they can be very limiting. I had a quote done for a whole wall length custom cabinet setup and it was going to be a fortune..
  12. Definitely the box art antics are rather unethical on Bandai's part. But yeah its still wrong and its them not being completely honest about there product towards their intended customers.. but the toy is pretty bloody good so its forgivable.
  13. Just got order preparation notice from NY.. So i guess that means they got enough stock in. So now im 50% relaxed. But still no word from CDJ.
  14. It is indeed! And whats even more awesome is that my son and I have a similar passion for Macross! His mum hates that as they have next to nothing in common.. hehe! Makes me laugh! Im gonna buy something today to fill it up again!
  15. Very early on when I restared my collection and before I decided to buy any renewal Frontier Valks I did go check out a few v1 VF-25 that a guy was selling locally and they were just a mess.. Quite disappointing actually. If new I wouldn't expect to pay even up to 50% of what the renewal asking price was! They gave me a similar impression to the v1 Yamato stuff I had years earlier. Id say Bandai made them on a more strict budget then to relize afterwards that a more advanced version would have great potential out in the market! And they would have been correct!
  16. Just curious if you have ever posted up pics of your huge collection!? Im just not willing to dig through the collection display thread..
  17. See that its now Monday for Aus and Japan im hoping that i get a shipping notice from CDJ and or some sort of notice of activity from NY..
  18. Although when the planets are aligned, you pinch your nose, tap your left knee, spin around in a circle and jump on the spot not to mention actually transform the thing correctly then she does look pretty good for such a complicated transforming toy! So regardless of the dodgy box art credit should go out to where credit is due.. Bandai did a pretty darn good job i say!
  19. How easy is it to remove the color from the panel lines if you stuff it up or change your mind?
  20. Interesting looking ship! Will be great if you get this to actually work as intended!
  21. Lovely work 505!
  22. this looks kinda interesting.. will see if my son wants to go see it.
  23. here's one thing you could do.. Im joking guys! hehe!
  24. I could ramble on about the good points of both color version but in the end I have to say I love them both pretty much equally and just couldn't chose.. ok ok.. if it came to a life and death choice I think it would have to be the TV colors! Only cos that's what I was originally exposed to which started the obsession! And not to mention there are a few more liveries to the TV series than there are in DYRL..
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