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Everything posted by spanner

  1. @anime52k8 When I saw this the first thing I thought of was you! hehe! I must admit she does look very faithful to the movie character! Quite nice!
  2. That Japanese chick in the vid is BANGIN!
  3. Ahhh! yes indeed I WILL have her! She looks gorgeous!
  4. That HUGE Gerwalk Valkyrie is so mighty impressive! The things I would do to have that thing positively concern me! I wonder what it would be worth to buy!?!? Full of so much want right now!
  5. My son came up with the color and decal design himself. I think it turned out really well and the colors compliment each other! I think the insignia is from Call of Duty.. I think..
  6. For those who are getting them painted, will the finished product have any decals or stickers fitted? Im not sure if this was previously mentioned but I don't really feel like flicking through all the pages in this thread.. (yes im lazy)
  7. This is a very cool idea! I have in fact thought of doing something along these lines myself! I went and had some square sections of acrylic sheeting cut out to make a sealed display box and line the edges with LED lighting but never got round to it.. I had even thought of building a clear corner display cabinet for one corner of my main room made from the same stuff.. problem with me is I tend to start on something and never quite finish it..
  8. I do like this paint scheme! Looks a lot more like a real jet than all of the others! But as I have said before.. we really don't need another 29 but maybe just maybe I would make an exception for this one! It just needs to have the Isamu head unit & bayonet gunpod instead though.. And be either unmarked or part of SMS!
  9. I had actually been thinking of removing the supers from Max & Milia just for a bit of a chance so what you have done here might be on the cards for my (early) TV VF-1A!
  10. Hey Saburo, are you going to re-shoot some of the other Valks you took shots with the reflective base with the carbon fibre? Although many of your older shots are still awesome so it might be a good thing to just keep things mixed up a bit! Oh and your new name should be Saburonator!
  11. It would seem that the animators just used the model directly from the VF-25 rather than make a new model for the VF-19..
  12. @Saburo Haha! Thats called stubbornness!
  13. @Saburo if it was lost then you could have temporarily borrowed a cover from one of the other 29. Those photos are sensational! Loving the carbon effect! Perfectly suits the Valkyries!
  14. @Hornet excellent idea! Looks really good! Almost like it was meant to be!
  15. Lucky it wasn't lost Saburo! Me Id be pissed! So far i have had a pretty good run with all my Valks.
  16. Will probably be in the order of.. 1xA-Shin 1xA-CF 2xS 1xRA
  17. That's odd isn't it! Clearly the animators lacked consistency.. Maybe the toy will come with several sets at different lengths? Yeah that was weak.. Looks like some of us will be buying Shapeways replacement head lasers then!
  18. Excellent! then that decides it! I will be getting 2 VF-0S! Thanks mate!
  19. haha! thanks mate! Fantastic photos $60!!!
  20. They do look fairly long eh! Maybe cos they are in a very vertical position perhaps? Either way it still looks stunning! Can't wait!!! Maybe I can be placed in an induced coma and woken when it arrives! Saves waiting in frustration!
  21. ahh yes! I was thinking that I will now need a 2nd of either seeing that I cancelled one.. I'd like to have one of each displayed clean but then I'll want one suited up in the Reactive Armor too.. SO then I'll have to chose which variant "A" or "S" will I buy two of! I can't remember which variant actually used the armor in Macross Zero..?
  22. Hey what! I heard my name being mentioned.. what i do now!?
  23. $40?! Pass.. there should be an enforced price cap on stuff that is either fixed pose or non transforming at $10 max! hehe!
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