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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Hehe! The 30th always cops a bashing!
  2. I say definitely yes! The VF-19F, S, P & Kai are fantastic toys! Very well engineered even if they might have funny ankles but still excellent!
  3. added a light streak effect to it and I reckon it looks pretty cool! what you think?
  4. hmmm! very nice indeed!
  5. I finally got to watch it! Found out my cousin had purchased the DVD and was happy to lend it to me. Ok so it was ok I guess.. seemed to drag on in a few spots and surprisingly some characters were almost completely ignored! Kiryu Mikage is a right cutie and im glad she got a lot of focus in this movie! The battle scenes were good too! Not sure it was anything near good enough to buy myself so I'll just hold on to his DVD for a week or two more and maybe watch it again..
  6. ahhh ok.. do I really want to know or am I best off not knowing..?
  7. What a great shot! Pretty much the whole 19 family! Don't you own a Kai?
  8. This is awesome! Going to go through some Saburo pics I've saved and find one to do the very same!
  9. I know my son will want this Godzilla if he sees it!
  10. Like i said, Bandai and Arcadia need his photos for their promotional material!
  11. Yes we need a proper alien species and not another bunch of bugs.. and no silly secret government or other agency agendas.
  12. As much as having optional stickers available is good and depending on the application I don't really mind the use of stickers but Arcadia really needs to move on from their use as it seems the great majority (in this forum anyways) would opt for more tampo even at the cost of not getting any additional included with the Valks..
  13. For some people I guess that kit has taken the edge off not having a proper 1/60 toy but clearly its not to everyone's tastes nor quality..
  14. +1!
  15. @Saburo Hehe! Even before I read your comment I saw that pic and thought it would make an excellent phone wallpaper!
  16. You're a master at this Saburo! Always magnificent photos! Especially love this one! Its now my new pc desktop wallpaper!
  17. @VF-18S Hornet.. Nice photos! I really like your choice of background material too!
  18. yeah I'd say those decals being so old now have become cactus.. The adhesive will only ever last so long. You might be able to get them re-printed or redone into water slides somewhere!? Or yeah as mentioned you could try additional adhesive.. Just be careful what you use as to not damage the plastic of the Valk.
  19. some guys in here posted up some very helpful material regarding this a few pages back..
  20. you might get lucky with the odd piece fitting but chances are no they simply wont. The new Zero range is basically completely new with minimal to no carry over components from the original. And regarding the colors, they may be changed for the final release version but as it they are now I rather like them!
  21. True but it could always be made into a cheaper variant without fold crystals.. something for close support rather than longer range missions. A great idea introducing evolutions of existing models but I doubt we'd ever see it with a 19.. Im surprised they chose the VF-17 to do this with.. the 171 is basically a stock gap till newer aircraft come along. Hornet to Super Hornet.. etc etc
  22. haha! yeah it was a little boring wasn't it.. still I enjoyed watching it!
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