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Everything posted by spanner

  1. They look great Mickyg!
  2. impressive work so far!
  3. this is gonna be awesome!
  4. Fingers crossed eh!
  5. The weak aussie dollar certainly doesn't help and yes they are becoming very expensive things to collect! I have gone through and made adjustments to my finances in order to be able to maintain my hobby. Sorry to hear you have decided to hit the brakes with collecting but I do feel your pain. I have given up a few other things purely to be able to continue with Macross. Hopefully you can eventually continue even if its only one or two items per year..
  6. I know the Concorde was a far more commercially successful aircraft but there is something about the Tu-144 that just appeals to me more!
  7. hehe! to be honest I haven't really liked any of the last dozen or so Bond films much at all.. As completely corny and cheesy as it was I really liked Moonraker! hehe! please don't judge me!
  8. not really I reckon..
  9. Really nice shots! Loving this one especially! Both are just such gorgeous planes aren't they!
  10. this is a good question! my guess is they either screwed it up or simply didn't care for anime accuracy..
  11. This looks interesting so it may be on the cards this weekend if my son still wants to go see it.. surprisingly others I know who have seen it say it was ok!
  12. not gonna expect too much from this but I am a fan of Kate Mara which should help ease the pain if its totally crap!
  13. At least this Daniel Craig Bond film looks quite a bit better than the previous ones.. Well I guess Quantum of Solace wasn't too bad..
  14. Can't wait to see this! Looks very cool and I love Alicia Vikander! She is smokin hot!!! Was awesome in Ex Machina too! Even if she was a robot! and a totally bangable one at that! Hey why not eh!
  15. I know eh! A work colleague of mine has 4 teenage daughters.. 13, 15 & 2x 17 (twins) all are lovely girls especially the twins but they are ALL trouble makers! He tells me all they ever want to do is party and have fun and the boys chase them to no end! would drive me mad! makes me glad I only ever had one son!
  16. and the fact it only ever released as a v1.. I know many folks still had a whinge about the v1.5 Brera. Yes it wasn't a giant leap forward but it was still a better toy than the original!
  17. ahhh yes! looks like the ball is finally rolling!
  18. Apart from the few which did come with option parts, it would have been nice if they all came bundled with them and a stand.. I fitted DYRL SS parts to my Cav and it looks pretty cool!
  19. Very nice! but if only her boobs were just a tad smaller than I would definitely get one!
  20. Looks pretty good in brown!
  21. Might be a little early still but id say within the next week or so they'll start sending out payment requests. As long as it doesn't get delayed at the last minute.. You can always make payment before hand with NY.
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