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Everything posted by spanner

  1. It was just the other day I was looking at my SV-51 engine intake area and thought it would look better if the area around the fan blades were colored black as apposed to silver just like in this pic here!
  2. all of the DX Chogokin pilots are just awful.. the VF-19 Advance pilot is an improvement but still nothing terribly special. I think the best Valkyrie pilot figure is in the Arcadia YF-19! and the Zero-D pilots aren't bad either..
  3. wow! 15 19's! which ones do you have!?
  4. im still trying to decide which Valk to display in the 2nd set of GBP which I currently have a CF VF-1J in but I do really like the idea of a VF-1S dressed up in it with the skull logo! Very cool idea!
  5. Yes the chest armor piece does help conceal her huge boobs a little.. I did a big display reshuffle and packed away all of my anime character figures to make more space for my current and incoming Valkyrie's (as I don't want to buy any more display cabinets) so my display is Valks only at the moment but this Klan figure may just become the exception! At the right price of course.. This really looks amazing! I have always preferred to display my Valk's in a clean layout but this was lets you still show off the optional weapon sets! And the gunpod display looks very cool too! Will you sell those parts separately or bundled with a stand? I guess I should check our your website again.. My only minor gripe is having to use the standard Bandai display stand bracket part.. it just looks too big and out of place with the rest of the clean and clear Yeti stand but I know there really isn't any way around it..
  6. hehe! are you making fun of me now! But yeah you're probably right! its a shame that little Ranka only distantly resembles a pilot figure and more so a poorly molded blob of plastic!
  7. this is true! agreed! Im intrigued as to what kind of character he will be playing and to what extent!?
  8. I'll have to admit this is a kinda cool anime! Watched the first few eps and its quite enjoyable!
  9. hehe! Like I said they get into a bit trouble but they are tough girls! They all have quite a feisty attitude actually!
  10. cos they look like crap! Yes! And thank goodness for that! Would have had to perform a little toy surgery in order to permanently remove them if they were fixed on! I know they should really be there but they look like a total afterthought and put simply I just don't like them. Hehe! Couldn't agree more!
  11. I guess it might look better as an actual toy than it does in the pic but im still sure I don't want any more VF-27 other than whats currently available. Hey will see what happens and how I feel if it ever does release!
  12. I guess this is Macross and toy related.. I managed to score a 6" Flighpose stand and two other Tamiya 1/72 display stands from a guy locally for $16! Which essentially makes the Flightpose stand only $5.33! Laughing! The Tamiya stands won't work at all for any of my Valkyries but I do have a few unassembled 1/72 Tamiya jets which im sure will work well with!
  13. AWESOME!!! looks like a scene from iRobot! Gahhh! I'd love to be able to buy this many of them! Have a whole friggin squadron of Zero's! Funny thing they don't show the back of the legs anywhere.. overall color looks ok too.
  14. yeah I thought that was the reason..
  15. Im thinking nahhh dont need it.. Brera and Grace (with a CF option) are more than enough 27's! Or we'll end up with a similar situation like with the 29's! Too much confusion!
  16. probably cos it never actually was capable of doing so in the series! it would also need to have articulating lower leg sections (feet) like the Valkyrie do.. would have been nice though!
  17. Love that getwalk SDFM! drawing!
  18. ahhh very good! even in bits it looks great! Cant wait!!!
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