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Everything posted by spanner

  1. More 1:18 scale madness! 2013 Russell Ingall, Ryan Briscoe Supercheap Auto Holden VF V8 Supercar by Biante. Although its the very same model, this one is just a generic ebay pic as mine is still in transit..
  2. spanner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I used an stanley knife with a minty fresh blade to trim the plastic on the mount point so it wouldn't exert too much force on the winglet when moved causing it to pop off. Is heaps better but still only a 95% fix but will still pop off if you move it around too much.
  3. spanner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  4. Yeah I guess I'd get a 1D if they make it! What the heck eh! Bring it on! Bring it all on!! Dang it..
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