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Everything posted by spanner

  1. back then it was the better option to watch something in english than in japanese without subs but I can't bring myself to sit through Robotech now.. even my son wanted to watch it after watching Macross and couldn't.
  2. Nice!! good on Sheryl for making the cut! Just flicking through that list and there are some other nice girls there!
  3. Yes definitely I will!
  4. ahhh! wiki to the rescue! thanks for the link! Well it kinda looks and sounds alright! especially if some of the ingredients are coconut milk or condensed milk! yum to both!
  5. its just a little plastic blob and I couldn't figure out who it was ever meant to be! LOL!
  6. hehe!! you know I figured as much!
  7. I remember one other forum member was offering the Lancer as a build kit? from Shapeways yes no?
  8. what's Ube Halaya!?
  9. hehe! awesome! Never mind paying me cash.. I'll work for Valkyrie's! or maybe one of those coffee table picture books!
  10. absolutely! He did ask what the series were like and is a Neon Genesis fan so he does like this sort of thing.. just gotta be careful which series to show him or it'll put him off! Certainly NOT M7! LOL! I was thinking either Macross Plus or Macross Frontier!? I think even Macross Zero might be a little on the trippy side too..
  11. for me it was the very early 80's after my father returned from a work conference in Japan with a handful of VHS tapes of some cartoon series one of them being Macross which caught my attention in particular! I can't remember if it was that trip or one of the next that he brought back a 1/55 Valkyrie toy.. I can't even remember if that toy was the Transformers Jetfire repaint!? When Robotech air'd in 85 I couldn't believe my luck finally being able to watch it in English as the tapes of Macross didn't have any subtitles.. But the second and third series of Robotech I thought were pretty woeful.
  12. hehe! yeah sorry about that! Couldn't help myself! M7 was a bit of a trip on its own let along actually making any real sense. Well it did but it was very choppy and they seemed to end it fairly abruptly. Though it was starting to carry on a bit.. this is pretty much spot on I think.
  13. Well the guy is bloody good at what he does! what more could be said..
  14. I guess it came down to being able to make a toy that is as faithful to the anime as possible even if it meant engineering overly complicated joints / mechanisms in order to achieve the desired results. Clearly they would learn from their mistakes and as design and construction methods advanced along with improved materials it would result in better (if still complicated / intricate) toys such as the VF-19Adv and YF-30 (which are pretty much completely new molds for Bandai). I don't think there have been that many significant design or failure issues with them.
  15. It was just over this last weekend that a mate of mine was over and saw my collection for the first time. He didn't spot it either until I showed him that this one, this one and this one are the very same vehicle! He was pretty much gob smacked! His response was.. "bull$hit! No way thats just nuts!" "They look so good in each mode!" I then explained the whole perfect transformation thing and he was mighty impressed. He told me he had transformers when he was younger and his son has some too now but he thought they never really looked any good. No disrespect to the TF fans out there of course! He even asked for the websites where to buy Valkyries from as he was particularly interested in the VF19 Advance!
  16. im 99% certain I have seen this actually done with an assembly kit! but can't remember where I saw it..
  17. Hahaha!!!
  18. Sweet basil eh! Yeah I can see how that could work! hehe! how off topic has this thread gone eh!
  19. that is a pretty cool looking Prime! for a TF of course.. Is that Police car one Prowl? he's cool! The Lambo looks good too!
  20. shark fin and crocodile!?!? now this is just getting silly!
  21. im sure they won't do something that silly with the Zero-S! well fingers crossed they don't!
  22. I'd say its due to multiple factors.. To the Macross community in particular they are very desirable. They are quite expensive to begin with. Are a very technical / complicated toy in order to be as close as possible to perfect transformation and faithful to the anime. Many variants are now extremely rare or have been long unavailable. Generally not produced in vast quantities which will also drive the price up in order for the manufacturers to maintain a profit which also directly effect their resale. But there are some you can still get at reasonable prices such as the Arcadia VF-1J 30th AE as they don't appeal to everyone.. but they too will eventually creep up in price as they slowly disappear. Im sure there are other reasons too which will be posted shortly!
  23. agreed!
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