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Everything posted by spanner

  1. fold booster or did you mean super packs? unless those supers are from Brera's Valk? Did the original Grace come with supers?
  2. ahhhh yes that's right! geez I really didn't absorb much from M7.. unless watching it killed so many brain cells in the process! hehe! its a little more worse than just a train wreck.. I think this is more applicable!
  3. yeah same with mine.. I tried to gently bend them straight but I didn't want to break them so I just left them as is. Funny how both ours came like that! As silly as it sounds but could it be that's how they are meant to be perhaps?? Yes that stand is just ghastly isn't it! All the Bandai stands are junk but that one I think takes the cake! I have my RVF sitting on a flightpose stand. The stupid large sensor fin makes it a little difficult but it works..
  4. That's Milia's M7 VF-1 isn't it..? Kinda looks like it.. It would be cool to have but like the 30th AE VF-1J its a little drab looking. I did grow to love mine so yeah bring this one on! Roy Lovelock's is a VF-17 if I recall yes? Yeah I could go that. Does Veffidas Feaze fly a Valk? Geez I can't remember.. sorry im not watching M7 again to find out. It cost me a fortune in therapy sessions after the last time! (joking of course.. but it was still utterly terrible) And NO im NOT buying a Valkyrie with boobs intentionally designed into it.. no matter how feminine they wanted it to look for Mylene.. Mylene is a cutie but im sorry its just a no no no no no. No.
  5. That's awesome! like I said its good to have that option in order to make it properly poseable but I think a 19 in Gerwalk isn't on the cards for me.. even though its my fav Valkyrie mode just not on a 19..
  6. hehe! could you imagine a Zentran sized Sheryl!! her special parts would be so massive you could get lost inside! im not being rude I swear!
  7. Well done on your Brera purchase! I have the Macross 30 game too now but no PS3 to play it on.. that's next on my "will get round to it someday" list.. Is it a good game to play? I have seen some game play footage on Youtube but its hard to get a real impression of it through someone else's eyes. But I trust yours! I take its not that hard a game to play if you've already finished it a few times!? And it would have been nice if they did make a alternate language version or switchable in game option to do so.. but I take it the game was intended to be a Japan only release..
  8. the Zero-D I have in Gerwalk also has the same loose right leg joint issue.. I have it in a fairly un-aggressive "A" pose but it still wants to push the leg out under its own weight. Im not going to switch it around with one of the other two I have as they were all chosen for each mode depending on their fit and finish.. Is there any way to tighten up this joint? has anyone attempted this one yet?
  9. Great shot! they look perfect together! LOL! absolutely spot on!
  10. still no VF-0S on NY yet..!? could it be that they won't be stocking it? I can't see why they wouldn't be?
  11. wow that was fast! Mine did already land in Sydney but nothing moves at all here in Australia over the weekends.. I was going to say something rude and or possibly offensive but I'll hold my tongue.. I think the complete opposite of this actually! The visible turbine blades are my pet hate with the greater majority of Valkyrie's.. ok so they may be visible in the anime (or line art) but put simply they look downright silly and do not reflect correctly against real world fighter jets. I absolutely love that the turbine blades are absent on the VF-27! For this reason among others is why its (probably) my favorite Frontier Valkyrie! They look the bollocks! the difference in the stance in Battroid to me is chalk and cheese! The v1 looks awkward like it just crapped its pants.. Sometimes I think the v1.5 status commonly given the the VF-27 renewals is a little unjust.. comparing my Brera v1.5 to my sons v1 the renewal looks and feels miles better! is more like a v1.99
  12. The FB2012 Skull paint is a somewhat possibility.. 50/50 chance I'd say if they ever do decide to re-issue (with fixes and yes my fingers are crossed for that one..) but I can also see Arcadia doing something stupid and just re-releasing the original version with no alterations. This may be good for the folks who missed out on snagging an original and who refuse to or cannot pay the prices they demand today but in all honesty it was the wrong version to have been released in the first place. Shame on you Yamato.. shame. The Black skull paint looks truly epic on so many levels but for this reason alone just like aliens visiting us (peacefully) and providing us the key to an clean and unlimited energy source, the ability to cure all diseases, unite all humanity and end all wars is.. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
  13. That was the same frustration I went through switching my CF back from Battroid to Fighter mode.. couldn't get the legs to lock / tab in correctly and getting the upper arm and shoulder joints in the correct position so the arm click in on the upper fuselage gave me bad dreams for the rest of the week! I think the RVF is a lovely thing (in fighter mode anyways) which is what it will stay in for however long it remains in my possession! That sensor fin thing and the clip it requires after transformation is a silly and poorly thought out gimmick. Unlike the better system they designed into the RVF-25 where the fin is attached to the left arm but this as a whole is still flawed as the toy then requires an adapter piece so you can then attach the gun in its stow position. The adapter should have been somehow built in to the other arm being allowed to fold away once modes are switched.
  14. I noticed with mine even in Battroid it would want to slowly creep forward or backward even with the feet in a toe out position.. so I just switched it back to fighter mode which is where it will stay. Besides I just could never quite get use to that head with the clown face or with the optional mouth piece fitted.. its good to know there is always that option to help the situation even if its not a permanent fix to a bad design.. or is it!? after you applied the nail polish how has it held up?
  15. so the correct way is red left and blue green right yes? if so then mine is good!
  16. I have now bought nearly a dozen or so items from YJA through Buyee and have had great success! Even with the super expensive Max & Milia VF-1J pair and the Super Ostrich which all came exactly as described (mint and unopened!) I know some folks have had some trouble buying from YJA.. Yes there is definitely more risk with them as they aren't a proper store as such but you still have to consider your purchase wisely before making a final decision..
  17. yes v1 left and v1.5 right.. mate that looks tops! im more than happy with how the color is! now im really busting to get mine!
  18. The D-battroid looks tough as nails!
  19. Jungle has been pretty good for me. Though I have only ever bought sealed or A graded items. I've had a few minor issues with Mandarake where items listed as "unopened, box damage" has in fact been opened and used. But to Mandarake's credit they have been pretty good on average 9 out of every 10 times. I would have been perfectly happy to buy the B grade RVF-171 they had listed and saved 4k yen but it sold before I finally decided to get one. I think because they move physically less stuff than Mandarake for example the odds of having trouble are less. I have good confidence in Jungle.
  20. what was the issue with the original? wing lights? I have a Yamato 19K so how do I tell if its defective or not?
  21. Im certainly hoping this is the case! Or I'll just go with HLJ or CDJ..
  22. who knows what the future holds and stuff I have now might not be what I have down the track.. What ever it is I will leave to my son of course. Then what he does with it is up to him. Im pretty sure he would keep some stuff depending if he's still interested in it. Although my Macross collection is slowly growing I have trimmed down on a lot of other stuff so its not like I have a huge amount of stuff to worry about anyways.. It wasn't long ago I had this conversation with my cousin who asked me if I was happy to handle his (massive) collections of stuff if anything were to happen to him as he knows I would appreciate what stuff is actually worth and his wife and kids would probably just let it all go without any consideration. I would even be able to keep stuff if I chose to do so! I thought that was nice of him to ask.
  23. oh I see.. sorry thought you just picked it up! so whats going to be the first thing you mod?
  24. hehe! the animators were quite inconsistent and the Valks often looked just wrong and different from episode to episode!
  25. wow! mine has already landed in Sydney! That means I should have it Monday! sweet! Can't wait to see how well they fixed up the colors! Anyone else got theirs yet? I guess we would have seen photos if so..
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