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Everything posted by spanner

  1. well hopefully it will be better than their first attempt.. the remake was quite disappointing to say the least. The original was fantastic! Especially the unedited version with full gore! The only thing that let it down was the choppy stop motion scenes with the ED-209 but in a way that added to the movies charm!
  2. Dang she looks mighty fine in that pic!
  3. yikes! dem baps are a little too substantial for my liking.. and so is the bikini she is wearing but in the opposite aspect! hehe! @anime52k8 so I figure (did you like that play on words!? ) that you have yourself have a substantial amount of anime characters? Have you ever posted photos of your collection at any stage? Im very curious to see what you have!
  4. Great work on the translation Gubaba! Made some very good reading! Thanks for all your hard work!
  5. Some interesting top 10 finalists in your list for sure! Myself having favored the Macross mecha im surprised any didn't make your top 5 but it all comes down to individual preference. At least the GBP in 6th! and the Cyclone 9th..
  6. I understand the frustration.. the exchange rate yo-yo effect does make it difficult sometimes.. especially when its not in your favor.. and considering how expensive these bloody things are to begin with not to mention the price hike with the rare ones!
  7. Your 19P looks great with stickers! I would do the same to mine but I have mine in Battroid and don't want to change it back as I prefer to have the 19Kai in fighter. I wish they tampo the UN Spacy on the VF-19.. And your 29 group looks fantastic! Just missing Alto's 29 and its complete! Do you think you will get the Alto?
  8. great work Derex! looks awesome! especially this shot!
  9. I think that is the best part of the charm of a SV-51 is its Russian design influence! I absolutely love the Russian figthers, the SU-27, 30 etc in particular and the 51 has strong resemblance to it even down to the design of the landing gear! Which I think is the best looking and far most realistic of all the Valkyries landing gear! Yes the air intakes are a little big and square but the look does still work. I don't like the visible fan blades or the fact you don't get covers for them when in Battroid. If they did then I'd display them covered as I do with all my other Valks with the exception of the VF-27 which has no visible fan blades.. (well on its legs anyways) Also I feel they needed to be further set inwards and not have been painted silver around the blades themselves. I only intend to display my SV-51 in their fighter modes as their other modes are kind of awkward looking.. I suppose Gerwalk is acceptable but Battroid looks icky just like the VF-4..
  10. hehe! go on you know you want to! That is a fair price even if its been opened and transformed but I have seen other MISB examples go for not much more. Personally I'd prefer to spend that little extra especially for a VF-4 and get one which hasn't been messed about at all. Still 52k can't complain. 11k for one of these is a good price! only problem is if bought through one of the forwarding companies for an outside of Japan sale then you're hit with their fees which cancel out a good portion of the saving over buying new.. That's why I only use the YJA for older harder to find or discontinued items..
  11. wow 7k! bargain! the last time I saw that set for sale here in Aus it was something like $299.. I see they are asking up to and over $400 on the 2nd hand market in some places.. bit silly.. Yeah for sure the CF color is a little on the yellow-ish side.. be nice if it was closer to color in that pic. No matter though im still happy to have snagged one!
  12. All good! thanks for the update Jason!
  13. ah yes I was!
  14. Incredible photos (as per usual) Saburo! This one is now my new phone wallpaper!
  15. Looks awesome ArchieNov! If he does id still buy em even though i just bought these two!
  16. Fighter mode is definitely the gun mode, im only partial to it in gerwalk and battroid. Not saying it looks bad in those modes just not as good as others..
  17. and only a few hours later this happened! Im on a roll! woo! Photo is courtesy of 1999.co.jp and is purely for illustration purposes only. My actual item is yet to arrive..
  18. gahhh!!! no way! how cheap were they! LOL @ lucky jerk! hehe! lucky jerk indeed!
  19. I wonder if that half plastic ball is intended to create a small amount of internal friction within the joint providing additional tightness and a smooth feel when moving the leg around on that joint? The plastic ball may be more wear resistant than a metal ball and metal on metal may feel quite harsh and wear too quickly and become loose sooner.. I dunno.. this is just a piss in the wind guess.. As mickyg said its puzzling to understand why its actually there seeing that it appears to be a flawed design creating a weak point for the toy..
  20. Thanks mate! I know there is a somewhat reasonable (maybe more remote so) chance that Arcadia may renew these things but even if they do and considering the snails pace at which they announce anything and the huge chunks of time between actual releases I figured I'd just get my hands on the original Yamato versions and enjoy them now rather than hold my breath waiting for a miracle to happen..
  21. WARNING! Dead thread awakening! hehe! sorry guys but im on a bit of a SV-51 high at the moment so this had to be done! ok so while the VF-27 is the more sleeker looking of the two, the SV-51 definitely is way more sexy! It just has so much more going on! Its just sooo sexy!!! Photo is courtesy of who ever the hell it belongs to..?
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