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Everything posted by spanner

  1. dang it! gee I don't want to give up that title.. how my gonna find the cashola to keep buying my son Valkyries!? might have to resort to prostitu.....errr never mind! hehe!
  2. It was only earlier in the year I re-watched SDFM with my son who watched it for the first time and it was great! I could easily watch it again! Also not long ago I re-watched Zero & Plus. I want to tackle Frontier again but M7 I don't think I could handle watching again.. its just too long and Basara's character and all the singing are just too irritating. Dynamite 7 was good though!
  3. i actually didn't mind Chappie so much.. yeah they could have made certain points of the story line a little more believable and the ending sucks a big fat one but overall it was ok. yeah this doesn't look so good... even though Vin Diesel did well in the Riddick movies, he just seems so out of place in this film.. I'll most certainly end up watching it but im not gonna expect it to be any good.
  4. she's all yours Mike! LOL!
  5. hmmm... dem all not so good. me no like.
  6. After years of umming and ahhing about it I finally found me a VF-11C! As much as I would've happily had one ages ago, it was never on my priority list of things to get.. seeing they are so expensive and the fact I already had a VF-11B. Ok so I probably left getting one a little too late and now having to pay the hefty asking price but I figured I needed to have one as lately I felt there was a hole which needed filling in my M7 Valkyrie collection. So yeah can't wait to get it! Doing the happy dance! Photo is courtesy of CollectionDX and does not belong to me. Photo is for illustration purposes only, mine is yet to arrive.
  7. Hey thanks for the update Xigfrid!
  8. My Ivanov just landed in Sydney this afternoon! Woo! And the CF ain't far behind either! Should land 2moro.. Fingers crossed they both on track for delivery Monday!
  9. Well done Lolicon! they look awesome all together eh! 24k is a fantastic price for a 25G! congrats on your fine purchase! what was the condition rating?
  10. PlayValk! LOL! C'mon guys someone has to post a pic of that "pose"! hehe! yeah you know what I mean!
  11. hehe! does it actually exist!? be interesting to see the content in that! Do Gakken! you know you want to! @Shermantank.. nice Constructicons mate!
  12. ohhh! that sounds good! I wonder if there are any pics of that on the web!? I might try pick up some of those editions..
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool looking box!
  14. So I believe the saying is.. no news is good news right!? hehe! Im kidding dude! seriously no pressure.. noooooooooooo presssssssuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeee....
  15. and to once again terrorize the streets during Halloween! hehe!
  16. Nice photos SuperHobo! Loving the relaxed poses!
  17. geez I hope they tampo that skull logo on instead of including it as a crappy sticker..
  18. geez! I only just got over your creepy photos from last year and now I see this!
  19. I honestly believe a renewal SV-51 would sell very well! Tighter joints, improved details, new colors, no floppiness, adjusted proportions and cheaper asking price than they demand on the 2nd hand market. Its clearly a well loved Valkyrie but I think many people would shy away from them for those reasons but will jump on the chance to get something new and fresh! I certainly do hope they renew them and im definitely in for which ever variants they release! Starts doing the Valkyrie of good fortune dance..
  20. so pretty!
  21. Yeah makes you wonder eh.. greed and mismanagement I'd say. And Arcadia simply playing it safe. So it looks like the VF-1 is turning out to be the gun Valk!
  22. I'll definitely buy what ever Arcadia spits out!!
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