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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Lego is fantastic in that respect isn't it!
  2. I'd love to have something even remotely as interesting as an A-10 or F-16 fly over my place.. we use to get F-18's fly over somewhat regularly but its been fairly quiet of late..
  3. Cars and walls don't go well together.. I feel your sads.. well actually cars and pretty much anything solid don't go well together! This is what was left of my Commodore after sliding off the road and head on into a power pol! I really liked that car too..
  4. wow that sure as hell sucks.. I have used NY a LOT! and never ran into anything like that. I have cancelled orders with them on several occasions, got a replacement item and received a partial and full refund for a defective item. sorry this was no help to you but im yet to experience this level of phucktardery from them..
  5. my ideal or dream Lego set would be a huge box which contains 1000 of every piece ever made! Yeah that's just ridiculous.. I know this. Sweet Lego sets ArchieNov!
  6. hehe! compared to today's standards, those Camaro Z28 & Mustang GT are slower than a wet week! 145 & 157 hp.. what a joke! Geez they must have still be so emissions strangled back then.. My uncle had a turbocharged FC RX-7 and it was a really nice car! Just had things going wrong all too often..
  7. latest arrival! thought I'd share some glamour shots! Bummed Ivanov didn't arrive today seeing he landed in the country a day sooner than this one but maybe he'll arrive 2moro.. fingers crossed!
  8. ehhh?? curves!? the VF-17 doesn't have any curves.. its just straight edges and sharp angles! LOL! I had considered it a few times in the past but then when I went to buy one my heart just wasn't in it.. But if I had to get one it would have to be the VF-17S variant. Strangely enough I much prefer its Frankenstein looking head design more then the 17D.. Still I doubt its gonna happen.. but never say never eh! Thanks mate! And yes the cost of the bloody thing sure as hell proves that correct! sheesh! And this little beauty arrived today! The box was a little rough around the edges but the Valk itself is MINT nicely sealed up inside! Completely virgin and unmolested! Not a spec of dust or finger print on it! As mentioned in the item listing. Even though the SV's were never what you would call "tight", the difference between this one and my old shagged Nora is simply incomparable! So gorgeous! Dang why did I wait sooo long to get these things!?!?
  9. sucks about your pressure tank issue.. hope you can it sorted out. definitely looking forward to some photos! keep up the good!
  10. $50 for a v1 still seems like a lot of money, especially for a base variant.. but maybe that's just the bad aftertaste left over from owning the lot I once had..
  11. But they're sooo fugly! and not to mention expensive.. If it was a stretch for me to buy a 171 and they are heaps nicer than the 17 so i doubt a 171 is gonna happen..
  12. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    oh! that is very grey isn't it! Can't say im liking that at all.. Well hey at least it ain't a pinkish white like Arcadia's 1/60! But it being grey just doesn't cut it im my book. There should be no reason that they fouled up the color choice like that. I'll bet quite a few people who are buying these things aren't going to be very impressed. So it would also seem that getting colors choices wrong isn't just limited to just one company..
  13. not on this one sadly.. its joints are just way too far gone.. completely shagged more like it! That's why today I bought another one.. fingers crossed its a million times better! Hey thanks! yeah its not a bad shot eh! Thanks Xigfrid! It could be done a lot better, especially if I could 3d print the part and make it with a similar pattern like on the VF-0 or VF-1 intake covers.. And yes it can still transform!
  14. wow! from purchase to shipping notice in under 2 hours! Kudos to Jungle!
  15. looks great so far! Its kinda hard to gauge the size that you are making this thing to.. Will it be similar size to the Yamato GU-11 gun pod? Keep the updates coming!
  16. Seeing how others have included a complete list, I thought I'd do the same! Legend.. (Y) Yamato, (A) Arcadia, (B) Bandai. obviously.. VF-1A TV Kakizaki v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Kakizaki v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Kakizaki v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Max v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Brownie v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Angel Birds v2 (Y) VF-1A TV Cavaliers v2 (Y) VF-1A No Paint Ver. Custom - Alaska Base Guard v2 (Y) VF-1J No Paint Ver. Custom - Macross The First - Hikaru v2 (Y) VF-1J TV Hikaru v2 (Y) VF-1J TV Hikaru + GBP v2 (Y) VF-1J TV Hikaru + GBP v2 (A) VF-1J TV Max v2 (Y) VF-1J TV Milia v2 (Y) VF-1J 30th Anniversary Edition v2 (A) VF-1J Mass Production Type v2 (Y) VF-1S TV Roy v2 (Y) VF-1D TV v2 (Y) VF-1D TV Virgin Road v2 (Y) VF-X TV Roy - Proof Of Concept Variant v2 (Y) VF-1A DYRL Kakizaki v2 (Y) VF-1A DYRL Brownie v2 (Y) VF-1A DYRL Hikaru v2 (Y) VF-1A DYRL Hikaru v2 (Y) VF-1A DYRL Max v2 (Y) VF-1S DYRL Hikaru v2 (Y) VF-1S DYRL Roy v2 (Y) VF-1S DYRL Row Low Vis v2 (Y) VF-1S DYRL Max v2 (Y) VE-1 DYRL Elint Seeker v2 (Y) VT-1 DYRL Super Ostrich v2 (Y) VF-0A Shin (A) VF-0A Shin (A) VF-0D Shin (A) VF-0D Shin (A) VF-0D Shin (A) SV-51 Nora (Y) SV-51 Nora (Y) SV-51 Ivanov (Y) SV-51 Mass Production Type (Y) VF-4G (Y) VF-11B (Y) VF-11C (Y) YF-19 Isamu Dyson (A) YF-21 Guld Goa Bowman (Y) VF-22 Max (Y) VF-22 Milia (Y) VF-22 Gamlin (Y) VF-19Kai (Y) VF-19P (Y) VF-19S (Y) VF-19F (Y) VF-19F (Y) VF-19Advance (B) VF-19Advance (B) VF-171 Cannon Fodder Type (B) RVF-171 Luca (B) VF-25A Mass Production Type Renewal (B) VF-25F Alto Renewal (B) VF-25G Michael Renewal (B) VF-25S Ozma Renewal (B) YF-25 Prophecy (B) RVF-25 Luca Renewal (B) VF-27 Brera Renewal (B) VF-27 Grace Renewal (B) YF-29 Isamu Dyson (B) YF-29 Alto (B) YF-29 Ozma (B) YF-29 30th Anniversary Edition (B) YF-29B Rod Custom (B) YF-30 Chronos (B) YF-30 Chronos (B) YF-30 Chronos (B)
  17. I found an "A" grade SV-51 Nora on Jungle to replace my broken floppy mess that I currently have.. Apart from it being all loose and floppy, its been panel lined and I don't really like that so much so I might do a repaint with my old one now! photo is courtesy of whoever the hell it belongs to and is for illustration purposes only..
  18. thanks abbadon! yeah im really looking forward to getting it! That will officially complete my M7 collection! not...buying...any...VF-17...
  19. Hehe! might be spread out enough but im not sure I can commit three quarters of the year just for M7!
  20. same here! But I got back into the game just after Yamato had folded and prices had started to rise already.. should've picked some of up back then. I do have a Tomahawk but I'd still like to get a Defender.
  21. Seeing the SV-51 Nora I have is a worn sloppy mess which I may even replace with a fresher example at some stage, I thought I'd try a little modification on it.. I removed the fan blade moldings from the upper legs (a rather prick of a job) and made up some fill panels to fit neatly inside and sprayed them a matte black. I rather like the end result and I think it gives the intakes a more realistic look compared to other real life jet fighters. These are the first lot I made so they are essentially prototypes and even though they seem to fit in there nicely I might make a new more refined set to fit in there permanently. And yes the canards are staying the reversed direction! So yeah let me know what you guys think!
  22. holy crapamunga! this looks insane! wow so nice! I really like this photo! shows off the profile so well! I still think the forward canards would look better pointing the other way..
  23. Hey Jason! Thanks for the progress updates! You should post up more pics! It all sounds so interesting!
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