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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Yeah you can see the spots where the resin didn't completely fill. Still the parts do look very good! Thanks for the update!
  2. Sounds good Jason! For the ones that are coming pre-assembled & painted, does that mean the orange ones will still be given a coat of paint or will they be colored directly from the mold?
  3. sheesh! I hate to ask where!? hehe! so shiny!
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

  5. I was thinking more along the lines of a brick wall actually..
  6. hehe! a little encouragement doesn't hurt!
  7. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I need this in my life!
  8. C'mon Arcadia give us an assembly kit version!
  9. you know I actually don't mind the box art for that Valk! Personally I'd prefer if the box art showed an anime style picture of the Valk rather a cheesy photo of the toy..
  10. they look fantastic! nice work! shame the cockpit details are very visible.. At least you know it will still look great from inside the cockpit even if no one can see it!
  11. Finally got watch this tonight and i didnt mind it at all! Rebecca Ferguson was gorgeous too! I hope they make another!
  12. It doesn't look like both forks of the main gun are actually separate so I highly doubt its transformable.. It would be nice of course but no way for that small scale even though the transformation is rather simple. I originally thought of this as a pass but its sooo teeny and cute that I might just have to get one! I don't have any capital ships so i guess I gotta start somewhere!
  13. $205 new & shipped is fantastic! Well done! And you'll need to get both Brera & Grace VF-27!
  14. yeah that's fairly reasonable I guess.. they have been going for around 20k open/used and up to 25k still sealed. Was that with or without postage? Oh and congrats! They are a lovely piece!
  15. you took the words right out of my mouth!
  16. Nice rack!
  17. I was thinking of upping it up to 3x! Or possibly even 4x! Then I could have one in each mode (clean) and one in battroid with the Reactive Armor! Oh and some organs are overrated too!
  18. Awesome photos Gundam! You sure are getting good at this!
  19. Hehe! That is a very clever way of putting it!
  20. I never jumped on board the Yamato-Zero boat so the Arcadia releases are more than welcome for me! To be honest my feelings for these new Zero's wouldn't be any different if they had decided not to release the Reactive Armor. Yeah the pricing of these things is a bit of a bummer I'll admit.. I have managed to trim quite a few expenses down in order to better finance my Macross collection but it is still hard. Paying bills is overrated! or at least till the debt collectors come a knockin! hehe! But sadly living costs money too and it ain't cheap either..
  21. When I saw these I went and did something stupid! And im thinking of doing something even more stupider! yes I know that isn't even a word but you get my drift!
  22. OMG!!! that is gorgeous!!! I want it NOW dammit!
  23. my brand new Alto VF-171EX! Sealed minty fresh! this one makes the Valkyrie tally now 75!!!
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