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Everything posted by spanner

  1. LOL! WTF!? the guy must have been on drugs or has mental issues!? Or it must be the computer games influence.. that's it may as well ban GTA and most others games then!
  2. Sorry didn't realize it was a problem..
  3. One of my biggest regrets was selling my APC and Dropship set.. now they cost bull5h!t money which im not willing to spend now.. A while back i was looking at one of those Hot Toys 1/6 12inch Loader figures which come with the Ripley figure but they cost an absolute fortune too.. but they look mega! Looking forward to see what the new Alien movie will be like.
  4. What scale is that Loader? Is that a new release? Aliens was the best movie of the bunch! Probably my all time fav movie!
  5. Yep will do! Im away from home this weekend and I've been on MWF with my mobile and the sigs dont show up on the mobile site.. thanks mate!
  6. Awesome collection of 171's valkryenov!
  7. Hehe! Ok fair enough.. Oh and nice power loader sh9000! I've always wanted one of these things! Does it come with a Ripley figure or do you have to get her separately?
  8. Wow! 100k for a VFX!?!? That's insane! And very optimistic for the seller.. LOL! I know they are rare and a nice valk but not for that amount.
  9. Mind me asking, How many Valks you currently have Loop? I've run out of room again myself and will probably have to start hanging them from the ceiling! Definitely another display cabinet is in order very soon..
  10. what ya do with it the first time!? anyways congrats on your re-acquirement! hehe! Nice Q-Rau too!
  11. This was very cool! And yes those last few minutes were pretty crazy!
  12. I almost hate to imagine what that tub of Vaseline is actually for!?!? I hope it to lubricate the toys tight joints (I nearly wrote "stiff" ) and not to relieve ones immense sense of joy towards Valkyrie's! Oh and just for the record.. I do immensely love my Valkyrie's but No I don't currently own a tub of Vaseline! So yeah that is very questionable product placement!
  13. well at least something gets a little working over! was probably the simplest thing to do anyways.. hehe! spot on!
  14. that looks really good valhary!
  15. spanner

    Macross figures

    Shame you didn't get an extra Ranka to sell off also.. would have made your first two very cheap!
  16. hehe! $200 for the Valk and $100 for a fancy box! They should offer them for sale loose!
  17. my latest phone wallpaper! sucks you can't hide the main group icon..
  18. that's pretty cool! But we should be prepared for robots to take over the world very soon! hehe!
  19. sleepy thread awakening! Love this wallpaper! Edited.. again.. so hows this then!? Im sorry but after thinking about this a little more I have decided that if I want to quote pics then im just gonna do it. Of course I will always consider the annoyance factor of multiple photo quotes and will trim it down where necessary but as its been said there is no rule against it so if you don't like it then you're just gonna have to get over it..
  20. I like this one! Always love a chick on a bike!
  21. hehe! he looks proud of his achievement! cool photo too!
  22. Even though I told myself im not purchasing another of the same color as the original, but if the pricing is right then it could happen! Price range, probability of purchase & likely hood of asking price. up to 20k = absolutely! but this pricing range is extremely wishful thinking and high unlikely.. 20 to 25k = still a definite yes! although this pricing range still very unlikely. 25 to 30k = closer to 25k is still a yes but upwards of 30k some consideration required.. I still think even this price range is more than unlikely. 30 to 35k = a definite no. I think closer to 35k is going to be the minimum of Arcadia asking price. 35 to 40k = absolutely not! This price range is seems more likely where they will price the VF-4G. 40 to 45k = hehe! no way! And I think Arcadia would be very cheeky to be asking upwards and over 40k for this re-issue. 45 to 50k = NEVER! upwards of 50k is roughly what I paid for my original and I can't even see Arcadia ever listing for anywhere near this figure and it would be downright rude of them to do so. 50k + = no comment..
  23. ahhh yes so they don't fall off so easily. some ordnance hard points on the wings and under body would be nice too! That's never gonna happen though..
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