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Everything posted by spanner

  1. sweeet!
  2. some of the VF-1 customs I had build the painted surfaces caused a few tolerance issues and had to be sanded down further so they would move freely and not scratch. As you said maybe the clear coat is a lot finer and doesn't present an issue.
  3. splendid job eggy!
  4. oh... so he was a bit of a freak!? then again there is probably a little freak in all of us! hehe!
  5. Question.. so when you apply the "top coat" I presume that is a clear coat of some kind yes? But wont that then upset the tolerances for transformation? I know some parts are very tight as it is.. Sorry im not big on modding or modelling.
  6. Yikes! no certainly not! I have seen these go for less than half those asking prices and in brand new sealed condition. These items are only "A" listing which still is good but not MISB. Jungle being a little cheeky me thinks!
  7. This forum is all about photos! and those also look great! Looking forward to your work on the VF-19 Advance!
  8. @anime52k8.. That looks quite good actually! So I have heard you guys mention some guy who got banned? What's the story with that? If you don't mind explaining..
  9. Thanks for the update Jason! sounds very promising! Don't forget to show us pics of the 1/60 bits!
  10. That was awesome!! really enjoyed it!
  11. Very cool!
  12. Toyota Auris Gets Anime Commercial In Japan: Video with a familiar sounds from a certain anime series most noticeable at 0:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI0x5rwr0SQ#t
  13. gotta love the detail in the line art! very cool! thanks for posting that JVM!
  14. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice pics Gundam!
  15. Nice job mustang! Looks absolutely fantastic! Love that used/deployed look!
  16. I was referring to the paint scheme only but yeah physically there are differences. The Angel Bird are a pretty sweet paint scheme yes! Its a little deceiving to look at as the "D" and other variants are pretty much identical from the very top of the chest piece to the tip of the nose cone and overall length when in fighter modes. The "D" chest piece doesn't have the little cut out below the head unit when in battroid which is only so the longer cockpit canopy can be covered completely by the blast shield when in battroid.
  17. very cute!
  18. I think it has quickly and clearly becoming the case of how much we'd pay for this thing.. Obviously for the right price we'd all buy it but as it stands the price they have set for this things has got a lot of people doubting its worth. Myself included. As I have mentioned previously the ET toy simply does not posses anywhere near the level of engineering of a v2 VF-1 but what it comes down to is there really isn't any reason why it shouldn't. Yeah but 15 years is definitely a long time to wait for a lackluster product. Its like ET knows they can get away with building something subpar simply because there is no alternative available.. LOL!
  19. Its more like double the price too much especially for the detail and finish they have shown in the latest photos. I have no doubt there are many who are still holding out in hope that the final version will be a step up but to me I don't think ET would want to show off a half baked product this early before release and put off potential buyers.. Clearly what we have been shown is the final release toy even if they further improve detail the cockpit and landing gear of which they certainly need to! From the pics we've seen so far it would seem there isn't even 50% of the engineering in the ET toy than there is in a Yamato/Arcadia v2 VF-1 (which are now pale in comparison to the more modern releases) and there is plenty of existing Valkyrie toys out there that they could have drawn technical information from in assisting the development of their toy. I think ET would have been better to price this Valk as a "testing the waters" type affair rather than simply jumping in with a higher than expected MSRP and expect buyers to accept a half arsed product simply because it will be the niche in the market or at least in the 1/60 Macross toy line. Its my honest opinion that ET have probably blown their chance with this one and are being a little cheeky with the price.
  20. True true but its pretty much identical to Max's VF-1J but with a different head yeah? Nice grab Tking! Enjoy your Lego's!
  21. some are done quite well and look gorgeous! others not so good..
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