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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Thanks Gakken! And nice pose pics guys! That VF-1S looks quite proud of himself!
  2. Congrats Yeti! Lovely thing aren't they!
  3. I had noticed the physical dimensions of those VF-1 looked a bit different. Clearly changes have to be made in order for them to achieve some level of stable flight. Higher speed flight won't be such an issue, its the low speed handling (take off and landing in particular) which would be more difficult to control. I guess it comes down to the fact that most of if not all the Valkyrie's aren't completely aerodynamically competent, some far less than others. After all they are just anime designs and the designers can just shrug it off with "well they are mostly designed for space flight in mind" which is cool with me.. Anime magic is a wonderful thing! And that Yukikaze model looks awesome! Pretty good size too!
  4. that's excellent thanks Xigfrid! Its quite a large thing isn't it! This thing is gonna look mega on display! Just wanted a rough idea of its size so I can plan some space..
  5. We all trust you and your abilities! Oh can you tell me what the total length of the drone will be?
  6. not big on the Marvel movies or the figures but this Hulk Buster is one tough looking S.O.B!
  7. ahh yes definitely she does! she's a babe!
  8. I'd love to have this Valkyrie!
  9. Nice pic treatment! They go well together!
  10. The whole movie was done so poorly its laughable! Like I said im surprised Walter Koenig agreed to be in this. And its not that the Star Trek movies were that bad, actually most of them I thought were done well but I can't help but feel any credibility Walter got from them would have been swept aside in an instant and again im surprised he would lower himself to be in movies such as Moontrap!? Surely he couldn't have been that desperate for cash?
  11. have you checked the sale thread for anything? I know of one through YJA.. http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/t446351290
  12. I would love to! but im super lazy and it will cost money..
  13. I think I'd definitely pickup another Max & Milia set just to keep boxed up and hidden away for safe keeping! What would be cool is if they released them as a twin set! These look very good! Nice effects!
  14. Oh yeah that totally skipped my mind. Some real life jet fighters do something similar if they aren't equipped with air/speed brakes like the super hornet for example. I guess that could be one of the ways how they overcame a elevatorless design in the Macross universe. Inward deflecting rudders, a movable beaver tail and thrust vectoring exhausts. Still only pure speculation though!
  15. they are nice but way too extreme for me..
  16. all good, no complaints. casts look great! looking forward to the next stage!
  17. Could those areas missing some resin be filled with putty yeah?
  18. I think I might still have some junk VF-1J 1/55 parts. If it still has the head I'll send it to you.
  19. those 19's are cool but im really liking the SV-51 R/C plane! this is the video I had seen before! Looks like it flies quite well!
  20. right.. so can you get bigger arse cheeks and other "finer" detailed areas too!? hehe! I kid! These are lovely dolls but just not for my liking.
  21. I have seen a SV-51 R/C plane which was pretty cool! I reckon a VF-11 would be pretty easy to make easily flyable! It doesn't have elevators either but it has got forward canards. YF-30 is another good candidate for R/C too! And yes a VF-0D would be epic!
  22. I certainly hope so! MD would be nice but I'll take anything!
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